Randy was on edge. Trying to figure out how to describe himself to Danny until the phone rang. Stammering, Danny made a few gasps and stutters before picking it up. There was a deep husky voice on the other end. "Hello Randy", the voice purred. Randy's face turned red. His voice squeaked out a "hi", to which Randy interjected a confused, "How are you?!" Danny sighed hearing the giggly tone from his twin brother.
Danny flapped his hand on the other hand while speaking. "Yes, yes. I know I can't wait to see you at the party tonight," The word "party" made Randy jerk his head. Mouthing said words quietly but flummoxed.
After a while of talking, he put down the phone. Giggles leaving him while his brother looked at him. "So... What party is this you're going to?" "Well, just a small party. Nothing too big, just a few of his friends, would it be okay for you to take me?!" Randy held Danny's hand in a timid manner. Danny was more than okay with taking him, patting the hand. Randy inched his face close to Danny in a whisper. "Could you keep this a secret, please?" Danny didn't understand why but nodded anyways. "Yeah. Sure, but how come you don't want Offender-" He interrupted himself with a cough. "Nevermind. I know why its him but Trender should really know," Randy was equally unsure, this was new to him. Fearing for future mistakes. "It's not that I don't trust him... it's just... this is my first date."
Danny gripped Randy's shoulders. "Yeah, yeah. I get it, so what do you want me to say?!" " Anything really..." Randy's posture slumped with a lack of confidence. Danny nodded, he turned his head to the window. "I'll just tell them I'm taking you out for dinner,"
Both in agreement, they walked downstairs. The duo seeing their relatives talking about a show they were watching. he walked into the room "See I told you they were going to buy that house!" Smexy yelled with his supposidely profound relevation. Trender rolled his eyes, getting infuriated. " WHY!" Just too shocked out of the house presented from the program. "I sure hope they'll enjoy the future bills they're going to have to pay. Fixing that craphole up and all..." His rage puttered to a mutter.
Danny's body tilted close to the two and waved. Scooting into the seat with them. "Hey, what show are you watching?" The two gave a shrug. "Home flipper." Danny played along with the activity before Randy joined down. Showing off his outfit. Trender shot a concerned look. "Where are you going?!" "I wanted to take him out to eat. It's been a long week." Danny interjected before tensions rose. Patting Trender's shoulder, he got up to get his coat. Trender followed suit to Randy's concern. The guardian of the group getting his keys.
Randy motioned his head at Danny. Danny took the visual notion and pacified Trender's concerns. Trender still couldn't help but let his worries take hold. "Are you both sure? I don't mind driving you-" "Nah it's okay we will be ok," Danny tried to reassure while waving goodbye. Trender sighed and slumped back on the sofa. Muttering "All alright,"
"Are you really really REALLY going to let them go off on there own?" Offender's brow raised, rubbing his chin methodically. "Don't you find it funny that they just want to be by themselves.." Trender cut him off with narrowed eyes. "What're you getting at...?" "You can't surely be that dumb." "Okay, no need to be mean." Trender stood up with a stomp. Walking away for a drink. Offender smirked. "c'mon, didn't you see how Randy looked?" "I did. It's just dinner," Trender tried to avoid the question.
Offender followed suit, getting into Trender's personal space. "Why don't we just follow them?" Trender jerked his head back. Gathering words in his shock. Offender chuckled. "Why not?" "Just to break his trust in us...? He hardly trusts anyone anymore, why would we want to mess this up?" Offender's smug aura broke. The smirk melted and his hand pinched his forehead.
Elsewhere, Randy was getting closer to their destination. Danny's neck cocked forward curiously. "So... What is this guy like?" "Well... He's nice, and kind, and very tall." "Oh~? Tall, huh? A deep voice~?", Danny poked his brother's cheek. Randy's harshly turned red, playfully pushing him away. The two giggling until they made it to an apartment complex. The giggles paused to worried silence as the door was in view.
Trender & offender trouble in the family
FanfictionI don't see too many stories about them so I was thinking why not why not make a store about the family another side to trenderman and the ones he is around