Part three: Jeremy

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"Where do you live? let me take you home" this fine specimen of a man is talking to me. Answer him you idiot.

I didn't know what to say because mans was really handsome.
Come to think of it, I would say that there's something wrong with me, l think I have a sickness called ACOSB(always crushing on strange /sexy boys).
Whenever I see a cute boy, I instantly start crushing and when I say crushing I mean crushing hard like really hard but the funny part is that it doesn't last for long, I would say two to three weeks and sometimes days.
Tae-hyung is the only person that I've had a crush on and it has lasted for thirteen years. I'm pathetic right.

"Come on get in" I was lost staring at his handsome face that I didn't realize that he was already inside his car calling on me to get in. Of course he opened the door for me. Giving me the choice to either get in or walk away. Mans can take control.

I composed myself and got into the car.
We got to the front of my house with me giving him directions.
We both came out of the car.
"Seems like we are going to see each other more often" he's smile was so pretty and his pink full lips... heaven.
Bitch control yourself.

"Huh?" I asked with a confused expression on my face.

"I live like two houses away from yours, that's my house" he said pointing to a building. Even his fingertips are pretty .

"Oh okay" I said still looking at his face, I tried not to smile and trust me it was almost impossible but I did it.

"Okay bye" he said getting into his car.
"Wait, let me get you your money"
"Don't worry, you don't have to pay me"
" I insist"
"Do you really want to pay me" that beautiful smile back on his face.
"Yes" my heart is melting.
"Then go out with me" he said with a very cute smile. 

"Sorry I can't. I'm sure you're not going to believe me but this is the first time I left my house on my own" I mentally slapped myself, my subconscious was screaming that I should accept his offer but a part of me felt like I was betraying Tae-tae.

He stood there speechless I think it's probably because I said that it was the first time I  left my house on my own.

"Please" he said with a smile that completely melted my heart.

"Sure" I said smiling but deep down I felt like I had betrayed the love (more like crush) I had for Tae.

"Okay I'll come pick you up the day after tomorrow"
He said. Mans was obviously smiling. Can you blame him, have you seen me?

" Um.. it won't be possible because my friend will be coming back from Korea and I have to be at home to receive him".

"Him?" His expression changed.

"Is anything wrong with the fact that my friend is a  'he', why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me you're jealous" I said with a smirk on my face.

"You Know for a girl who has never experienced life, you're pretty cocky" he said smiling.

"Since we can't go on a date how about I come over to your house so I could see your Korean friend, I kind of need a male friend right now?"

" Sure, but you look like someone that would have a lot of friends"

" I really don't" he bit his bottom lip because he knew that he was lying. The truth was that he just wanted to see his competition.

"Okay then bye, see you the day after the tomorrow"

" Wait can I get your number, so I could call you and tell you what time I'll be  coming by"

" Sure it's 090********"

"Thanks" he said getting into his car.

***On my bed*** 9:43

I was on my bed feeling so happy that I left the house on my own.
For the first time in my life ,I felt like a grown-up.
I was literally on cloud nine,
well not until my phone started ringing.
I looked at my phone and it was an unknown number.

I picked up.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey, I wanted to say who it was but then I realized that we don't know our names yet"
Immediately I knew who it was because I could never forget that sweet voice that saved me today.

"Yeah you're right"

"Okay my name is Jeremy"

"Well I'm Inatimi but you can call me Timi''

"Nice name, are you from Bayelsa? (it's a state in Nigeria)".


"Okay have a good night sleep, I'll see you the day after tomorrow.

"Okay bye" I said hanging up the phone and for some reason I drifted to sleep feeling really fast.
I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be great and I knew why.

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