getting to know eachother..

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Jouno hated tecchou ever since tecchou defeat him as then jouno wanted to kill and defeat tecchou as jouno hated tecchou because he ate weird food and because he defeat him as then tecchou and jouno became partners as jouno was raging mad.

Jouno pov.
Ugh i cant believe am being partners with this fucking idiot. I mumble as i had to go on a mission with tecchou as tecchou had to be the woman and i had to be the man as i wore a suit teruko gave him.

Ugh this suit is so uncomfortable! I mumble as tecchou was still getting ready as tecchou got done he walked out he had a dark blue dress with a dark blue flower hat as he was wearing black gloves with black heels as tecchou had his hair curl up as he put on his lipstick "done" tecchou said as i looked at him up and down.

He looked like a real woman. I thought as i looked at him i could sense him wearing the dress i was amaze.. "idiot come on were gonna be late for the mission!" I said as i was annoyed.


Tecchou pov
As jouno told me we had to leave as i was the one to drive as we arrive as i flirted with the men there to get informantion as i could smell jealously from jouno but i could also smell rage as i manage to get info from a men but in return i had to dance with him as i did as he gave me useful info as the sense of jealously got stronger i didnt get why jouno was so jealous.

(Bro became tanjiro-)

After i got info as i told jouno he glare at me as i didnt under stand why as i sense something a tackle jouno down as he looked at me annoyed "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Jouno said as he was mad as i cover his mouth as i was on top of him as the sudden a ability attack where jouno used to be standing.

Jouno was shock that i saved him from being hit as i grab my katana as i swing it as i used ny ability as i swing it in the air as i hit the criminal as i manage to finish the mission as jouno looked at me in annoyed and jealously as i didnt quite understand why he was jealous as i didn't pay much to it.

As everything went normal since then years past and i turn 26 and jouno 27 as then i been thinking of something i never got the surgeries they talked about as i never got them as i manage to convice fukuchi or commander that i did get them even tho i didnt as then i been thinking of betraying the hunting dogs after all i been train to be a assasin but i made the decide...

                 (To be continued...)

Author note
Yall am sorry i forgot  jouno was blind i hope yall forgive me anyway dont worry smut is here soon just waittt.

this is my au the new book call the truth behind the dark raven am making is prod coming out on december 25 2024.

sorry yall if yall put this some where maybe it come out early like someone put my other book call dont stop until am full i think i forgot but anyway i hope yall enjoy this i really try my best.

the other book is gonna be about tecchou life and backstory yall this is 612!  words
:) yippp

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