it was went tecchou join ever since jouno and tecchou been close but one morning tecchou disappear for 2 years as then teruko and jouno were send on a mission to stop a assasin but would it be the same if the assasin was someone you love?...
As the boy peek jouno appear infront of him "hello Tecchou-san... is it time for your training and test..." jouno said with a evil smile ....
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As jouno lead tecchou to the training ground as he first had to train as tecchou train dodging as jouno threw 50 knifes at tecchou as tecchou dodge a each one.
as then he had to train his flexibilidad which he was quite good at that as he train everything he need to know as then he moved on to the final test to see what role he get.
as tecchou had to defeat Tachibira then teruko then jouno and then fukuchi as tecchou dodge Tachibira attack landed 12 hits on Tachibira as the finally hit he manage to defeat Tachibira.
as he move on as he swing his sword fast fighting teruko as he manage to land 19 hits on teruko as then he manage to block her attacks and defeat her.
after he move on as he was ready to fight jouno as jouno smirk as he used his ability and full force and all he had which made it hard for tecchou as tecchou try to block but couldnt so he used his ability for a bit but then jouno manage to break his sword as tecchou used his hands.. as jouno had his sword as he swing it as tecchou used his mini knife to stop the attack as he manage to land 29 hits on jouno as then he manage to defeat him.
as he move on he had fukuchi as he was giving a other swords as tecchou swing his sword fast as fukuchi used his ability and force as tecchou manage to block every attack fukuchi landed as tecchou manage to land 48 hits on fukuchi as he swing his sword as he manage to defeat fukuchi.
as tecchou drank water as fukuchi said "hmm your strong your role is strongest hunting dog!" Fukuchi said as teruko got mad "NO NO THATS SUPPOSD TO BE MY ROLE NOT HIS I WILL RIP HIS ARMS AND LEGS!!!!" teruko said as she threw a traum as she kick and scream until fukuchi calm her down..
as tecchou went to his dorm as jouno follow "hmm no one was able to defeat me but dont worry i get you next time." Jouno said as he look at tecchou smiling like a insane man as he walked away as tecchou was confused...
(To be countined...) Author note Yall dont worry smut is gonna be here soon yall i really dont know how to spell so if yall see mistakes let me know so i can fix it this is 458 words