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The room was dark as it was under a mountain, hidden deep within the mountain range of the Himalayas. The only source of light coming from the wide electronic screen that was projected out of a tesseract cube type thing.

Figures—six of them—all stood bunched together as they watched the analytics run on the screen, wearing white cloaks with a black eye on the side of their sleeves.

"Is it ready?" A husky female voice said.

"It should be about there." a deep male voice replied, still studying the screen.

The female figure paced the floor of the room, thinking and waiting impatiently.

"Let us hope, we must be able to make this jump without them following us." A less deep voice chimed in.

The female sighed. "If only. Remember, our mission is to find what we are looking for to help us build back up and heal the wounds this broken world has."

The ground started to shake and the screen hovering over the cube shook.

"They're coming." The deep male said, a panicked note in his voice. "Come on, come on."

A side of the cave split open with the power of a Shade and a Flasher both using their abilities to open the mountain. "Hold the fort down and get the thing to speed up somehow, we'll hold them off." The female instructed, flicking a dagger out and put herself in a stance to fight.

Figures dressed in black cloaks dashed through, drawing weapons of their own and clashing with the five white cloaked people.

There they fought, clashing and fighting for several minutes as the only figure stood in front of the screen, watching as the data hit the top, marking it was ready.

Taking a deep breath, he summoned fire to his hands and fired it at the tesseract cube. Light filled the room as the cube burned with fire.

People paused in the middle of the fight to watch what was happening as the cube broke, erecting a large swirling portal in the room.

"Come on!" He yelled to his teammates as he dove through the portal. Four of the remaining five dove through the portal, but the last one, the female, held them off as long as she could, trying to get her enemies away from the portal to keep them from following.

But she was outmatched and the portal was getting smaller for it could only stay open for so long. She drew a small glowing crystal ball of everblaze.

"Bye." She said, smirking in the darkness as she smashed the ball at the feet of her enemies and dove through the portal right as it closed, leaving the broken world they lived in behind.

They fell for several minutes until finally an opening at the bottom opened and they fell through, landing on soft lush grass.

They had arrived in the Lost Cities.


She was the Moonlark. Brought from the world of humans into the magical city of elves. But she holds a secret, a guilt that could either save or destroy the world.

He was the one his mother said he had a legacy. But he was broken by the world and tormented by his father who calls him a failure. And his vulnerability might be the end of him.

He was part of the glorious and famous family who upheld a reputation within the broken elf world. But his was destroyed, torn down and stolen by the older brother he calls his enemy. His anger towards his enemies and the world might be the fatal danger the world has been avoiding all this time.

She was the beautiful and kind girl everyone adored. But when her reputation fell, no one cared for her and her beauty was scarred forever by the ones who tore her down.

He was a part of the bad match, the shame, the assumed talentless. The underestimated dog. The one who took all the bullying, all the blame, all the downfall, all of the shame upon himself so his loved ones wouldn't suffer.

She was quiet and shy. The lonely kid who everyone took advantage of her smartness. And the person who had an overprotective brother who acted like she could hardly function at all, let alone fight a battle by herself. And her hatred for that fueled her revenge for what the world did to her family and most importantly; herself.

He was protective of his sister, though showed he hardly cared about her. He was the dark gothic kid who some people were wary of, others his friends. But when his life was shattered by the people he called family, he vowed revenge turning cold and becoming one of the most dangerous people to exist in the elvin world.

He had parents, he had a home. But when his father died and his mother neglected him, he became the harsh cold boy everyone avoided. And when he would get vengeance on everyone who wronged him, no one would be the same.

They all seek vengeance and struggle in their own way. But what they are about to face next may very well change them, their lives, and the fate of their world forever.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this little prelude or preview chapter before I get into writing the actual story! I wanted you guys to have a sense of mystery and dark vibe to the story a bit since this alternate universe does take on a dark edge. Also I wanted to have a sense of on edge adventure and cliffhanger type thing to keep yall reading. Well I hope you enjoyed and can't wait to see yall in the next chapter?

When will I update? Whenever I feel like it :) Lol jk, but updating might take a bit since I'm almost out of school for the year and I sometimes lack motivation to write, so see ya next time! 

P.S. Thank you so much for reading this story, it means a lot to me you're taking the time to read ^^ :)

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