"Thank you" PT.9

223 5 9

D/n: dogs name

Y/n: your name (as usual)

D/b: Dog breed

B/t: body type
I can't believe I actually did that...

I had agreed to stay with red as long as he agreed to get my dog, I couldn't live without that precious little mutt.
But if he brought it back here, but so so so many questions ran through my head such as; will he be will to go out to buy stuff for my pup or will he just feed it human- wait what am I thinking, they don't eat humans... Well I didn't know that for sure but I just hoped they didn't.

The questions buzzed in my head over and over again. I breathed in and out, I was overthinking again, I can't seem to control it. I over thought a lot, I can't recall the last time I haven't over thought shit.

I knew red wouldn't do anything to it but my mind told me not to trust him, but how can I not? After all he had spared me from being killed, I could at least give him a chance to prove himself he won't change his mind about it.

I had went back to his office to lay down and rest, well... More like wondering if all this was right and I had made the right decision on stay.

Eventually, I finally fell asleep.

I slept till I felt a tongue licking my face, i instantly shot up from my comfortable spot on the bed and looked around wildly as if something were about to attack me. But the fear was quickly replaced with excitement and happiness as I saw d/n on his hind legs and his front paws on the bed, wagging his/hers tail wildly, he/she whines at me, begging to be petted and loved on.

As fast as lighting, I yanked the blanket off my body and quickly picked up the pup.

"Oh my goodness, hey baby girl/boy I missed you so so so so so much" I say kissing it's head multiple times.

Just then I see a familiar white lab coat at the corner of my eye enter the room. I turn my head to look at the figure. just as I thought it would be, red.

With D/n still in my arms, I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much for bringing D/n to me"

He clears his throat and mutter a quick "your welcome" and snaps out of the shock from your unsuspected hug and slowly hugs you back, one hand on your lower back and one on your upper back.

He was a blushing mess.

Not that you could tell though. After all you were not currently facing him at the moment.

I slowly pull away and take a step back.
I looked at my dog again and hugged her/him tightly, almost to the point he/she let out a soft whine to let me know I was holding to tight, I quickly stop squeezing the pup.

Reds pov:

I promised her I would bring her back her dog, though I didn't really like dogs... But that's besides the point, I would do and bring anything she desired.

I had gone through her backpack to find her address and found it written in her notebook. Though I could have just asked her, I just wanted a reason to snoop through her stuff.

After I found it I ripped it out with ease, careful not to ruin the delicate paper. I shoved the piece of paper in my pocket and went to my secret closet where I kept my hoodie and backpack whenever I had to go to town to get supplies, I quickly put the hoodie on and put the hood over my head and then slung the backpack over my shoulders after.

I made my way to the front door, which was quite hidden from the desperate eyes of my victims. Oh how I loved the look of fear on their faces.

I shake my head to clear my daydreaming and I unlocked the door with a special key and went through the door.

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