Dinner and a show pt.10

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D/n: dogs name


Red chuckled

"Soon my dear, I'll have purple whip up something right now"

Did he just call me dear!? Don't get me wrong I was flattered but it was the way he said it, in that British accent of his. Lord he could have made me melt with that accent.

I must have zoned out because I jumped when red's fingers snapped and brought me back to reality. "Are you alright y/n?"
He asked in a very sweet voice

I cleared my throat and looked away from him, I've already been here three days and he has me crushing over him.

"Uh...y-yeah yeah I'm good, just starved is all" i mentally cursed myself for stuttering, to me it was embarrassing.

"Ok then, I'll have purple cook some food. You and d/n can stay here and relax" he turned to walk away but stopped and turned his head ever so slightly. "And please make sure he/she doesn't chew on anything, I'd hate to have to lock him/her up" then without another word, he walked away.

I wasn't really sure if that was a statement or a threat, I immediately shook my head of the thought. He wouldn't dare threaten my dog and expect me to be ok with it.

For some reason I was highly pissed off now, the growing pains of hunger abruptly stopped and my mood went soar . He just now brought back my dog to me and already he's threatening it, I was not gonna stand and let him do it.

Once again I sat on that red, walking bubble gum headed, bugged eyed man in a science lab coat's bed and patted the side next to me.

D/n jumped up and cuddled up next to my thigh and quickly fell asleep not to long after.

Then the intercom whined and static came from the speaker while it came to a stop and reds voice came through, did he already have another group already?

"Dinner is ready everyone, please make your way to the dining area and y/n stay and I'll come get you." And with that the intercom shuts off and I sat in silence once more.

I waited just like he said, even if I was very mad I didn't want to be rude. Soon I heard the sound of footsteps echoing off the cemented floor outside the room and make its way to my ears. The door opened and in came red.

"Good to see you listened" he smiled and beckoned me to follow him. I was still very upset while he was all jolly and happy....almost like he didn't even remember threatening my dog.

I got up and petted his/her head. "Be good and stay lay down" I stood back up and followed red into a very secretive and hidden location inside the play place, almost like they didn't want anyone to find out about it. I kept quiet the whole way which wasn't very long but to me, it felt like forever.

When we got to the dining room door, red then opened the door and gestures for me to go through first, I didn't decline his offer and went straight through a very firm but quiet voice fell from my lips. "Thank you..."

Red's pov:
As I opened the door for her I noticed her body language seemed to be a bit off.

She wouldn't look at me or anything, had I done something wrong? I didn't know so I brushed it off as her being this way.

The door swung closed behind us as we walked in, I pulled her chair out for her and she sat down; she didn't even thank me. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and sat next to her, something was wrong and I'm determined to find out what is wrong.

As blue, green, orange and purple make their way into the room and sat down, dinner arrived shortly after. I had made a system where it cooks for us soon after y/n had arrived so that way when we are..."working" she doesn't have to bother us, even though I don't do anything but sit at a desk I still would like to watch at the friends tear those pathetic humans apart and feasting on their remains.

Oh how I couldn't wait for the next bunch to come...

I looked over at y/n and watched as she picked up the chicken breast and took a single bite out of it, she didnt seem to hungry. What was wrong with her? She had told me she was starving back in the office so what had made her this way? I couldn't take the tension that had grown thick between us, it was almost suffocating for me.

"Y/n dear, what ever is the matter? You don't seem as talkative as you had been earlier."

"Nothing is the matter..." She then took a bigger bite of the dead bird on her plate and chewed it slowly. Was she trying to avoid talking to me? I will definitely not have that.

"Y/n" the octives in my tone went lower a little. "Please tell me what is wrong"

The friends were awkwardly eating and side-eyeing each other all while watching the two of us.

"Red, I said I'm fine" her tone was a bit annoyed but I won't stop until she tells me. "I will keep asking until you tell me what's wrong" I kept my eyes trained on her but she still refused to look at me.

My hands clenched in frustration and my jaw locks up as I try to keep my cool with her, I'm not the best at keeping my anger at bay.

"Y/n...I will not ask again, please tell me"

She threw down her fork, making it clatter onto the plate, making green cringe because since he was blind, he had very sensitive hearing. She looked at me.

"You threatened my dog, no one threatens my dog" her voice was low and full of anger. I only said that because I didn't want my stuff ruined.

"Well I'm sorry for not wanting my stuff to be ruined by a slobbery mutt"

Wrong choice of wording...

Y/n's pov:

The cherry colored fishing bobber did have a point, I wouldn't want someones dog to destroy my stuff either.

"You don't have to worry about him/her because I've trained her/him to not do that."

I could tell he was agitated.

"I shouldn't have brought it here.."

This airheaded little bald guy with barely any mouth wanted to pull that card? Alright.

"I wish you would've just let me die like the others..." Ok I may have extradited but I was very pissed off right now.

One of the friends gasped and covered his mouth. I had completely forgotten they were even there, I guess they were now having dinner and a show.

"You don't get to make that choice, I'm in charge and I say whether you live or die and I choose to SAVE you."

"I didn't ask to be "saved" I didn't even wanna be here because of all the trauma it had given me. Hell, I still don't even trust you that much."

That set him off.

He gets up from his seat and grabs my arm and marches us back to the office, I tried to pull my arm away but it just made his grasp all the more tighter . "Let go!" I shouted

He ignored me and kept us walking. Soon we got to the office and he sat me down on the bed roughly which made d/n bark viciously. I told her/him to stop and they did, but they kept a very close eye on red.

Red stomped over to his desk and pulled out the rope, oh hell no.

I instantly shot to my feet. "Your not bring that no where near me" I snarled

He didn't listen and swiftly walked over to me, grabbed my wrists and tied them to together. I tried to fight but I couldn't.

He yanks the rope and pulls me to the bed and sits me down, tying the rope to the post off the bed.

He steps back and narrows his eyes. "Your going to stay put until I say otherwise" his voice deeped and my stomach went feral, I had a thing for that but I would never show it.

I narrowed my own eyes "good, I don't wanna be around you anyways" I looked forward and stayed silent.

He watches me for a few more seconds before stomping out of the office and closing the door, locking it behind him.

This man has some serious anger issues.

A/n: there, chapter out and I'm sorry it took me so long I just couldn't figure out what to write so here's a little but angst(?)

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