Chapter 3 - Taking The Metaphorical Leap.

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The weekend had passed by in an exhausted blur, not even bothering to acknowledge Hermione, who had spent the whole time mentally re-living the previous week. It had been a challenge, dating 12 men in 5 days. It wasn't until this point that Hermione realized that dating required a certain amount of self-reflection, and a boat load of self-doubt. 

Like most, Hermione had tried to be herself. But there was a nagging voice inside her head at every given moment telling her she wasn't good enough. It urged her to hide the things she thought were less desirable. It judged her and made her feel worthless. The volume of her self-doubt was unprecedented. It paralyzed her. She felt overwhelmingly lonely, and yet smothered by the sheer amount of conversation she had engaged in. It was truly exhausting. 

After spending the weekend alone, in her one-bedroom flat, examining every inch of her personality, Hermione was more than ready to step away from her thoughts. She had consumed an embarrassing quantity of red wine over the weekend, and had indulged in a takeaway twice. By the time Sunday evening had rolled around (far more sooner than was appropriate) Hermione found herself craving fresh air and vegetables. She had dressed carefully the following morning, trying to mask her unhealthiness with a pretty blouse and a touch of makeup. 

The real world looked so inviting, despite her introverted tendencies, Hermione couldn't resist. She had owled Katie, asking her to meet for breakfast before they were to attend the next stage of the programme together. Hermione felt slightly ashamed to admit that she had hoped that the other girl was feeling equally as desperate. 

"It was shocking." Katie groaned, digging into the Full English that had just been delivered to their small table. 

Hermione smiled behind her tea cup, every emotion she had felt over the past 7 days suddenly feeling vindicated. They were sat in a small muggle cafe, around the corner from the entrance to The Ministry. It was compact, and slightly run down but it was endearing non-the-less. The cafe was the kind of greasy spoon that people continued to return to, despite the chipped tableware and condensated windows. Luckily, the establishment was crowded enough to allow Hermione and Katie to discuss their troubles without risking revealing their magical world. Katie looked equally as relieved to release her anxieties. 

"As expected, most of the guys popped a stiffy when I told them I am a professional Quidditch player. You won't believe how many of them had the audacity to ask me whether I wanted their "Broomstick" between my legs. Honestly. Most of them are probably still at the age where they think "sex" is a funny word." She ranted. 

Hermione was unable to contain her laughter. "Merlin help us." 

She received a dramatic eye roll. "I mean, what did they expect me to say? It's bloody humiliating. I'm kind of glad the dates are blind, though. Its good to be anonymous. Imagine the headlines in The Daily Prophet?" 

"I dread to think." Hermione said, picturing her own face across the front page of the tabloid. She had earned her fair share of headlines over the years. In particular, her relationship with Ron had been highly publicised, despite the fact that they had only shared a brief romance. Ginny and Harry's relationship was frequently laid open for interpretation in the gossip columns of magazines. Hermione often wondered who on Earth read such drivel. She knew that controversy sold, regardless of how true the contents were.

 "There was no one who took your fancy?" Hermione asked, inspecting her cup of Tea. 

Katie sighed. "I thought a couple of guys were okay, but there were pretty slim pickings if you ask me." 

"Tell me about it." Hermione agreed wholeheartedly. 

"I really liked #11." The brunette said, wiping her mouth on a napkin. "He was the only guy who didn't completely lose his shit over me being a Quidditch player. Apparently he played as a seeker at Hogwarts, but he wouldn't tell me which team. He said i'd know who he was if he told me."

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