He's Back

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Emmalee POV

Ominis and I boarded the Hogwarts express for our last year at Hogwarts together. We found a compartment to ourselves and sat across from each other. "How was the rest of your summer Em?" Ominis asked.
"It was okay. Spent most of it refining my music. I have a few new songs for the parties this year."
He smiled, "I'm sure they'll be great."
A silence settled over us as the train left the station and I feel a question that I hadn't asked him in ages burning in me and before I can stop it I ask, "Is he alive?"
His unseeing eyes look in my direction, surprised, "He's okay."
I hated how my heart skipped a beat hearing that he was okay. I shouldn't care about him, but I still do. Sebastian Sallow would always have a piece of my heart no matter how I tried to make it seem like he didn't.
I head to the nearest bathroom to change into my school robes. As I walk I pass a compartment full of Slytherin boys on the quidditch team and cover my mouth at the nauseating smell of cigarettes. I willed the flashbacks away, as I almost ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and locked it as I started to count, leaning against the door.
My eyes were squeezed shut as I heard Theodore Nott's voice in my head, "Awe don't be like that."
I focused on counting and eventually it stopped. I open my eyes, taking a few deep breaths and quickly changing into my school robes. Once I'm getting ready to leave the bathroom I cast the bubble head charm. I step out of the bathroom and make it past the boys again, no smell assaulting me this time. Once back at the compartment I lower the charm and Ominis says, "Someone smoking?"
"The entire Slytherin quidditch team."
"Are you ever going to tell me why the smell of cigarettes makes you have panic attacks?" He asks.
I sigh and reply, "I don't want to be judged... My family did when I told them."
"Emmy..." he says softly and reaches across the compartment, taking my hand. "You know you can trust me."
I look down at our hands and tears fill my eyes, "Can we talk about it later? We have class tomorrow but then we have 2 days off for the weekend. I just don't want to back out of performing tonight because this conversation is going to drain my energy."
He nods and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. We spend the rest of the ride in a comfortable silence, only talking when we ordered snacks from the trolley.
When we arrived at Hogsmede we made our way to the carriages and I softly pat the thestrals that pulled ours. We managed to get one with Poppy and Natty who eagerly asked us how we had been that summer.
Natty had gone back to visit some of her friends and family in Uganda and Poppy had made several trips with her Gran to visit the snidgets we had saved together in 5th year.
Ominis and I parted with them once we entered the great hall and waited for the sorting ceremony to begin.

Imelda sat across from me and said, "You are performing tonight right?"
I smirk, "You know I am!"
"Hell yes! It wouldn't be a Slytherin party if our house celebrity didn't perform her new songs."
I laugh, "I wouldn't miss that Imelda."
She smiled and then Professor Weasley stood. The hall went quiet as she brought out the sorting hat and the first years entered the great hall.
I zoned out through the ceremony, only snapping out of it when Professor Black says, "Let the feast begin," and food appears on the plates in front of us.
Ominis immediately asks for some desserts, making me chuckle as I put his favorites on his plate. "Always with the sweet tooth," I say.
"Hey I don't get to eat what I want at home," he says and I pat his back.
I fill my plate with actual food and after finishing eat a couple of cupcakes.
Headmaster Black stands up and the tables clear. "Prefects show the first years to their house dormitories. And the rest of you off to bed, you all have classes."
I smirk, knowing full well, most of Slytherin house sixth and seventh years would not be sleeping. We would all be partying.
Ominis and I headed to the dungeons and I could tell he was getting a bit nervous about something. I decided I'd ask when we were alone since he didn't like to talk around a lot of people. We shared a room since the start of 6th year because he had been the only one who would calm me when I woke up from constant nightmares. They were less frequent now, but I always put a silencing charm on my bed because I felt bad for waking him.
Once we made it we headed to his room and when I opened I saw someone inside already. I stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes met the burning brown eyes of the boy I hadn't seen in over a year. "Sebastian..."

Sebastian Sallow x MC! OC: Songbirds LoveWhere stories live. Discover now