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Emmalee POV
"Thank you," I said to Sebastian as I headed into the bathroom. Once I closed the door I lean against it for a moment trying to stop the pounding in my chest. My cheeks were still flushed from how I felt when I woke up cuddled into Sebastian. I at first thought it was a dream until I remembered how I acted last night; not letting him pull away, making him stay next to me while I slept on his chest. Fuck... I'm so confused...
I decided to just ignore it for now as I showered. Once I was out I groaned as I noticed my eyes were still puffy and swollen from last night and I still had some dark circles. I did my hair and applied a bit of makeup to hide the puffiness and dark circles. I put on my uniform since we had class today and when I stepped out I found Sebastian still in the room. He looked up at me and smiled softly, "I hope it's okay I waited for you."
My heart fluttered and I nodded, "Y-yeah. That's fine..."
We made our way to the great hall for breakfast and sat next to Ominis as always. "You two seem to be getting along better," Ominis says with a knowing smirk.
My face turned beet red and I wanted to smack him. Sebastian just smiled, making me want to smack him too. "So do I want to know what happened last night?" He asks, his demeanor returning to his usual seriousness.
I looked at Sebastian and I say, "I'm not going to hide it anymore. For the past few weeks I've been taking a sleeping draught so I can actually sleep at night."
Omins' fork clatters on his plate as he growls out, "Excuse me?"
I flinched at his angry tone. Sebastian takes my hand and squeezes it, surprising me. "I stopped her last night," Sebastian says. "We ended up arguing..."
Ominis still looked pissed, "Why would you do that Em? You know what repeated use of a sleeping draught does."
I bite my lip, "Did you know that you don't dream when you take a sleeping draught?"
Realization dawns on his face, "Did you have a nightmare last night?"
My face twists in confusion, "No I didn't... weirdly... I didn't even take the vials last night." The only thing that was different than before was Sebastian being in the bed with me. My face turns red as I remembered once again how I woke up pressed against him, my face in his chest.
"We can figure out why later," Ominis says. "You're not going to keep taking it are you?"
"No. I realized that Sebastian was right... so I'm just going to have to find another way to stop the nightmares on top of trying to unlock my magic again."
"I had an idea about that. You never said that Professor Fitzgerald was headmistress here. Her portrait should be in Headmaster Blacks office," Ominis says.
"It is. But we can't get in there. The only reason I was able to 5th year was because of polyjuice potion," I reply.
"Wait when was this?" Sebastian asks.
"I knew something was wrong that day with the headmaster!" Ominis exclaims.
I laugh at his reaction.
"Bubotuber pus as mustache paste! Honestly!" I keep laughing, holding my stomach since it was starting to hurt from my laughs. "Your reactions were priceless Ominis! I freaked out Garreth a bit too! He asked me to get him dried billywig stings from Honeydukes earlier and I mentioned how the shopkeeper had noticed they went missing. He got so flustered."
"I wish I had seen that," Sebastian says, joining in my laughter.
I smile at him, his laugh making the lights in the room brighten. It had been so long since I had heard it. When he notices me smiling at him he smirks at me and I quickly look away to hide my red face.
"Come on we need to get to Herbology," Ominis says.
We all made our way to the greenhouses and once we were outside I shiver a bit because it was starting to get cold but I didn't grab my cloak when I left the dorm.
"Are you cold?" Sebastian asks softly. I nod and wrap my arms around myself. Then I feel a cloak being fastened around my shoulder and I look up as Sebastian buttons it.
"But wait won't you be cold?"
"No. I run hot anyway. Better now?"
I blush brightly as it's still warm and I nod. "Yeah." I resist the urge to bury my face into the material to breathe in his scent and follow him and Ominis into the greenhouse.
I keep Sebastian's cloak on and I catch him watching me as I moved around the greenhouse. "What?" I finally ask as I work on repotting some mallow sweet.
"Oh nothing... I guess you just look good wearing my cloak."
My face flushes and I all I can say is, "Oh."
He doesn't say anything either until Professor Garlick dismisses us.
We exit the green houses and I go to hand the cloak back to Sebastian, but he stops me, "You have Care of Magical creatures next. You'll still be outside. Keep it. Return it to me later."
He gives me a warm smile and I just nod. No I can't let myself be swept up in him again.
He walks away with Ominis and I meet up with Poppy for Care of Magical Creatures.
"I'm so excited! She's brought in baby unicorns for us to care for!" Poppy says excitedly.
I had already taken care of baby unicorns in my vivarium, but I didn't tell Poppy so I just smiled as we made our way to class. Once there I noticed several Golden unicorn foals in a pen and smile. "So how are things going with Sebastian? I saw you walk into the Great Hall together."
"Oh um... okay I guess..." I pull Sebastian's cloak tighter around me. I blushed as I took in the lingering scent of his cologne. "He helped me with something last night so I guess we're sorta friends again."
"You sound happy about it," Poppy teases. "Ominis seems happy about it too. He's been saying that he hates that his two best friends aren't friends with each other."
"Oh I didn't know," I respond.
That's where our conversation ends though because that's when Professor Howin starts class.

Sebastian Sallow x MC! OC: Songbirds LoveWhere stories live. Discover now