Akane Yanagi x Reader: Who Are You? Part 2

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We talked for a long while describing the differences between the world I knew and the world he knew. He seemed a little bit lost and dejected as our conversation went on; however, he also saw how bad off I had it and was respectful in his sadness, never once blaming me. I couldn't think of anything that would do this so for the moment I decided to not worry over the 'how' and just figure out 'the what to do next'. Akane thought of this as a good idea as well and after agreeing he seemed as though he had a lot on his mind from the face he was making while staring at the table.

I took the time in which Akane was thinking to finally get a good look at his face to see who on earth I had found in what was apparently my house. His hair and eye color were easy to notice at my first glance earlier this morning, but now looking at him I could look at how well he seemed to take care of himself. Long eyelashes and clear skin. Subconsciously I reached my hand up and touched my own remembering how I had looked in the mirror, my skin more clear than I had remembered it before I had woken up. He had a healthy glow and, my eyes went to his lips, his lips looked soft and smooth. Almost as if he had a whole lip routine separate from his skin.

I looked up to his eyes after I was finished looking at his features and our eyes met. Embarrassed, I felt my face heat up and turned to look in another direction. I looked at him through a side eye and saw his face had also tinged pink. He was good looking. Who was the person I was before this that was able to get someone this gorgeous? It almost felt like I fell into a novel of some sort. However, if I had it wasn't one that I've read unlike all of those cute reincarnation stories so I had no real idea what to do or what was supposed to happen.

"Hey, just so you know," Akane's voice was a little above a whisper, "It's a little mean to look at me like that when you know how I feel about you, well the you that I used to know I mean..." I looked at him after what he had spoken and our eyes met.

His face reddened and he bit the inside of his cheek again. It must have been a nervous habit of his. It was rather cute. I found it impossible to hide my reaction to him looking that way. To try and get rid of the tension in the room, I stood up and stated that I was going to freshen up and then I would be right out. He nodded his head and said he would be waiting on the sofa. I went to the restroom and began to explore trying to find the things that I should use. I felt like I was going through someone else's things and it made me a little uncomfortable. Eventually I found the skincare products and upon inspecting them I let out a small shocked yell. This brand was moderately expensive and nothing I would ever buy for myself. I lived off of drugstore brands that were significantly cheaper.

Not even a moment later Akane knocked on the door quickly.

"Are you okay?" he hurriedly said. I opened the door.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Oh well, I heard you scream so I just assumed..." his voice trailed off and one of his hands reached to rub the back of his neck.

"Oh! No I'm so sorry, I was just shocked over the bands that she used. They're way more expensive than the ones I'm used to using."

"Oh can I see them?" his shyness disappeared and in an instant he was examining the bottles. "That's because I recommended these to her. I use similar ones from this brand on my skin and I really liked how it made my skin look and I knew she would love it," he smiled at the bottle before handing it back.

"Oh? Is that why her skin is so much better than mine was? Did I really just need a skin guru in my life?" I joked and looked at Akane with a smile. He looked back at me and laughed as well.

"I suppose so, just make sure you keep using them because I promise they don't disappoint," he lectured in a light-hearted way that made my ends of my mouth stay in a natural smile as I continued to look around.

"She's so neat and organized," I said, not bothering to usher Akane back to the living room. He seemed content to stay and something about him was rather comforting in all of this confusion. For now I was fine with him staying. "Hey Akane, what did she do for work?"

"Hmm, she tended to keep her secrets on that but I do know it was something on her computer," Akane said, making me more curious.

"Really? I used to do stuff on the internet, but it never worked out so I just quit and fell into whatever job would take me," I said, a little sad to be thinking about what I had really wanted to do.

"Oh is that so? Maybe you should check it out then just to learn what she did." he suggested.

"In my opinion I think you're just curious to know more about her," I teased him and he laughed before looking away. His laugh seemed almost empty. I let it go and didn't inquire anymore about it.

Akane led me to the office that this apartment had and when I walked in it was like a different world compared to the rest of the house. This room looked the most like what I had envisioned for my current house back before any of this happened. A weird sense of understanding came over me even though I knew nothing. Almost what seemed out of habit I walked up to the computer and logged in. All of my passwords matched. I could feel Akane's eyes boring into m, similar to cold needles pricking the back of my neck making me sit up straight. I inhaled and exhaled before pulling up a website known for stories and writing literature from original authors and perspectives. One I had tried to make a living off of once before. The search bar began to autofill. I gasped as I clicked enter and put in the username and password I had used a couple of years before.

I was in.

Everything matched up.

She was me, but not me.

She was everything I wanted to be but wasn't.

I immediately began to look through the account, not paying attention to whatever Akane had been thinking at this moment and began to look for inconsistencies. I found many things I knew nothing about except for the first thing ever published on this account. The very first story I scrapped as an author, finished and thriving. I looked at it confused. The first story I had published in what I knew to be my life was up as the second book, not the first. It even had a considerably better rating than the one I had published. I grew more frantic looking through everything.

After quite a few minutes had passed all I felt was jealousy rising and bubbling in my throat. This girl, whoever she was, was living the life I wanted. It all made sense, her skin being healthier and practically flawless, save for some minor scarring from puberty, more expensive items, a loving boyfriend, and last of all, the career of her dreams as an author. It all fit together, she was me, but better. She was who I wanted to be, who I dreamed of being, who I had craved for so long to become.

I pushed away from the desk finally after staring at the screen for longer than I should have considering how my eyes burned slightly. I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion and didn't know what to do with it. I couldn't ask Akane to comfort me since I didn't know him and I couldn't put my finger on why exactly I felt robbed. If anything I was the one robbing her of this life. Or myself of this life? I wasn't really sure. Before I could make an escape plan the emotions building up spilled over so all I could do was lower my face to the ground as tears went down my face one at a time.

Akane, from what I could tell, didn't know what to do. I watched from the corner of my eye his fidgeting. Eventually it seemed he came to a conclusion and put his hand on my back, rubbing circles in it to try and help calm me down. I laughed, a bitter taste in my mouth. He even knew just the way I liked to be comforted.

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