My Nindo

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*blast* my ink prison blasted. What. There's no way. "You are still forgetting that I can use my chakra to free myself" Dosu said huffing. Oky his chakra. But seems like it took a lot from him. Not gonna end this soon now. Let's go.

I rushed towards him before he could stand straight. I used my brommie. I swinged my brommie and hit him with the end where there was no hair and that made him go towards the ground but i quickly again hit him with the other end making him fly upwards.

"Let's end this." I said. And hit him with a huge amount of ink blasting away. When he landed on the ground it was vast mess. There was sand smoke all over and can't see anything.

When it got cleared I saw him standing still. "You thought you can defeat me that easily. No no kid. You are wrong. We Pawns of the faith are not weak." He said. "Pawns of faith?" I asked confused.

"Yes pawns. We are just like the puppets that are used for manipulating and entertain others till it's new. When it is in no use. It's thrown away." He said. "I don't get it. What do you mean thrown away and what do you mean my pawns" i asked. There's really something shady about this guy.

"Our lord. He used us beat several Ninjas and do things for him. We even go to that far that we lost our comrades or they almost died. But when it came for any importance and attention. He left us. Just to me on our feet and die. We are the pawns that are use less now. We don't have any path or goal to achieve. He left us to rot here. This is what meant by pawns of faith. Our faith is destined to be like this" he explained.

Lord? Who is there Lord. Why did he used him. Why did he left him. So many questions but I can't think of any conclusions.

I clenched my teeth in hearing that. That's just so cruel.

"We were born but were abandoned. Were had no purpose. He gave us purpose to live. But when we found out it was not a purpose but only he was using us. As pawns for his battle. He left us. With nothing but hopelessness." He said again chuckling. "And that's why i mad emy own faith that I will be the strongest ninja and prove him that we can be useful for him by killing everyone here" he began to laugh manically.

He flicked his gear again. "Vibration Maximum." He said and everything began to shake like it was an earthquake. But instead of flowing everywhere. It just only came towards me.

No this is bad. I cupped my ears tight screaming in pain.

*Voofff* the ground blasted making smoke everywhere. Slowly the smoke cleared. And there i was laying on the ground with blood flowing like an open tap.

"As Mito is no-" the prosecutor was cut off in mid way by Naruto screaming "NOO. DON'T STOP IT. HE'S NOT DONE YET. I KNOW IT. MITO GET UP. I BELIEVE IN YOU. YOU CAN DO IT. MITO BEAT THAT FREAK UP AND WIN THIS FIGHT." Naruto was right. I can't hear that great but i can still hear a little. And to think of it I am gaining my hearing and sight. Like a miracle.

I slowly got up. "Huh. You are still alive" Dosu said in shock. "Faith and pawns. Let it flush down the river. I don't believe it all."

"What do you know" he said. "I know it. Being abandoned and having no one around to teach you. To take care of you. But that doesn't mean we can't survive on our own. We fight for our life. Still you think we are pawns of some person. No you are wrong. We are only the pawns of life. Faith is not something that is destined. Faith is made. It's hoped. And that's how we become strong and to be honest believing in ourself is what I believe in."

"i Never give up on my faith. And that's my Nindo. My ninja way" i then just disappeared. No one had any idea what was going on.

I was then standing behind him. "surprise" i used my broom to splash pink ink to him. The pink ink means capture threads. The threads tied him to tight that it made him bleed and his gear broke.

"Ink bombs. Massive impact" i jumped and flew high. I create a giant ball of ink and it slowly landed on Dosu. It blasted and the roof went off. There was everything blur. Nothing was visible.

The smoke finally got cleared revealing a huffing Mito and a unconscious Dosu.

"Dosu is no longer in condition to fight. The winner is Mito Uzumaki" announced the prosecutor.

Then I was hearing cheers from everyone. Naruto , Sakura , Shikamaru , Ino.
I am so happy.

I walked towards Dosu. I stood near him. "hear me out Dosu. You are not a Pawn of your lord. You are a free Pawn of life. You are free to choose your faith. Please after you recover, go and meet with the Hokage. I know he is Kind enough to give you some role. Or atleast he will help you figure everything out. Take my name if you do" I said walking away.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything inch of word." He said a passed out. There were medics coming to help him. And there i am walking wobbly. I can't hear anything. Nor i can see. Everything is blur. My chakra is used up all and .... I ... Can't go ... Any further.

I somehow managed to walk up to the gallery and near Naruto. "You did great. You were so awesome. Just like you brother. Believe it" said Naruto jumping and i smiled at him. Sakura punched his head and turn towards me "Congratulations you won" she said with a closed eye smile. "Thanks guys" i said

Then i fainted falling to the ground as I had no energy left. Plus i am all deaf and blind from my last match. I need sometime for the recovery.

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