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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS AND GIRLS. I hope the new year is better and more fruitful for everyone. I hope I can continue to keep writing my stories as I wish. Maybe I will finish one of my books this year. I make no promises, but I will give my best.




"Thank you so much for this," Wanda said as she hugged Y/N, "You don't know what this means to me."

"I can imagine," Y/N said with a smile. Wanda broke off the hug and smiled at him as Vision approached him.

"Thank you for bringing me back, Y/N," Vision said with a smile and shook his hand.

"No problem," Y/N chuckled, "Couldn't exactly let my favourite aunt mope about in her room; it felt like she was thinking of something dangerous for quite a while." He teased as Wanda stuck her tongue out towards him.

"Brat," Wanda murmured.

"So, why does my body feel slightly different than before," asked Vision as he looked at his hand.

"Many of your systems have been updated; your body is made of vibranium-infused human cells and a mix of cavorite to hold that mind stone in place. The mind stone did not like your previous body as much as it likes this one; you will have to explore what you can and can't do independently because we don't know what it's capable of either," said Y/N, looking at Vision. 

"Should you feel uncomfortable walking around like that, you can change the appearance of your skin to your natural pale skin. Your body is practically a human but with a shell to protect your vital organs. You can eat, sleep, and breathe just like a human. The green skin mode is usually where you have maximum protection since the vibranium and cavorite come above your human cells to protect your entire body. Your normal skin is still strong against knives, bullets, disease, radiation and fire, but a big enough bullet or a shell will not protect against it like your green armour would."

Vision's eyes widened as he looked down on his body to see the distinct movement of his lungs filling up with air and exhaling.

"I didn't even realize I was breathing," Vision astonished; he examined his arms, changing from green to pale white skin.

"Because you're no longer just an android, but more so a cyborg, you can say. Your bones are made of vibranium and cavorite; the nerves were the most difficult part, but we had Friday and Jocosta to help with that," said Shuri with a smile, looking proud of her creation. "All the ideas were mainly Y/N's part; I only helped with integrating the mind stone and finding your soul in the mind stone, so the credit goes to him."

"Shuri helped a lot. She's trying to downplay her involvement because she didn't arrive at the idea like me," Y/N said, "As for how exactly you activate the armour, I will show you now."

After a few moments of silence, Y/N's body was slowly covered in red and gold armour, starting from his feet, then his torso and stopping right at the face cover of his usual Ironman armour. 

"This is Extremis, though; it is not as bad as the Mandarian my father encountered with all the heating up of the body. It will help you recover body parts and protect you from harm. You can form it into anything you can imagine, as it's connected to your brain. As long as your imagination is strong, you can create anything; however, the more you create, the more you feel drained. That can be solved by eating high-calorie food because the nanotech creates the armour and everything you can imagine through food."

Lost in Another Universe [DC Harem x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now