Three in the Tree, Two in the Loop

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Going to school seems like a waste of time. Many of the things we learn aren't even useful. I never quite liked the idea of learning things I don't need. Some basic Maths and English is good enough, maybe even some Science, just a little bit. But, why must we take Religion class? I care little for Islam or Christianity or any of it frankly. I don't follow any specific religion, even though some people will identify me with various religions. Worse yet, I don't even know why they do it! What is it with all of their assumptions?!

Whenever somebody refers to me as an atheist, it really grinds my head like nails on chalkboard, except it's my skull being scratched onto the board. It's not that I believe in no God, but rather, I just don't care enough to think about it. I do whatever I feel like, I don't even have that many thoughts about things. I'm quite simple minded and easy-going I say. But everybody else just has so much to say, and I'll never know why!

"Your skirts too revealing!" my mom ushers one morning as I leave for school.

And the very next day when I had got home- "Why are you wearing a sweater in the middle of June?"

Nowadays, whenever she says something like that, I just ignore her as I always do. Lacie tells me that I'm perfect and should just ignore her. Get that? Lacie tells me how perfect I am! My mother though, haha, she probably doesn't even know the meaning of perfect. It's simply not in her vocabulary. What she does know how to say though, is that she wants me to be "a good and normal girl." Like– uhm, what? So does that mean I'm bad and weird? Yeah I am weird, but so what? That doesn't matter! I should be who I really am, that's what's important, of course. But bad? Now, that is one hell of an insult. I don't think I'm bad, who have I ever hurt? Honestly, I am glad she gives her opinions out so freely sometimes, cause at least I know the truth and won't have to find out all of her negative perceptions on me the hard way.

Jessica on the other hand has not been at all clear about her opinions. She used to hang out with us all the time, but since hooking up with Angelsk 5 months ago, she's started to distance herself and changed a lot. I told Lacie that he's trying to keep Jess all to himself without considering that she has the right to hangout with whomever she pleases. My mother eavesdropping on us of course, interjected with her criticisms as she always does.

"She's just growing up, be happy for her. You should take note of what she's doing and try to improve as well."

Now, wow, I was taken aback, and if it weren't for Lacie suggesting that we go to my room, I would have probably let my anger out and respond harshly to my mother, but all I could manage was a disgruntled "fine then" as we carefully head upstairs.

When we got up it was as if we had entered a new world. The forest-like atmosphere of my room comes from the various paraphernalia resembling my archetype was scattered out across my personal home-forest known as the bedroom—pictures of the three of us, my artwork, and the heaped maze of random junk on the ground which really unified the forest feeling of it all. We can only go to the forest so often, especially since our families don't quite know about what really happens in the forest– or rather, my family doesn't know –Lacie and Jessica don't actually have much of a family as I do.

Jessica has her single mother who's always working to just make ends meet, making enough for bills and food. As for Lacie, she was taken away from her original parents for violence and was placed in a foster home at nine. I've known her only since 2009 when we were both starting Junior High at the little age of 12. It's quite funny how we're so close now, especially since I knew Jess many years before Lacie.

I'm not that shy and am not afraid to speak my mind, so on the first day of class Jess and I decided to sit down next to her since she looked pretty cool. Sort of like how you just naturally feel drawn towards people who "look" like you. Not physically I mean, but based off the manner in which you'd walk the halls, how you dress yourself, your overall demeanour, and things of that sort.

Back then, Lacie wouldn't wear her thick black eye liner which suits the long hair she has now, which I find very complementary with her actual self. Instead, she kept her natural reddish brown hair which we eventually decided was most reminiscent of Hermione from Harry Potter. Thus, when we settle next to her, she nervously would give this side-eye sort of glance. I couldn't help but let out a sharp giggle.

"What's so funny?" she inquired.

"Oh, ha, I think your hair's cute, reminds me of that girl from Harry–"

"NO, not again. I do not look like Hermione Granger," Lacie adamantly defended.

"Ahh, I don't know about that! I have a pretty good eye for things. And it's definitely a good thing that it looks like it! Least I didn't say, oh I don't know, the red-haired girl from that Peanuts show" I rephrased.

Surprised, Lacie leaned in and exclaimed "That girl is my favourite! What?"

Feeling indifferent, Jessica interjected with her other curiosities, "What school are you coming from? I never saw you at Lindisfarne."

"Oh, I'm sorta new to the uh, area. I just uhm, yeah," Lacie answered, her voice dissipating to a close.

Sensing a dark uncertainty in the reply, Jess asserted that she should come to the tree house with us after school. Jessica was always empathetic with others, being able to feel what pains somebody without needing to say too much. I think that it comes from her awareness of how hard her mother has it, she's the friend who you can talk to about your feelings, and she'd know just how to make you feel better.

At the time, our treehouse was only lightly decorated with some music posters and little furniture other than a small table we'd use for board games or drawing. Our town might have been fairly sized for one placed deep in the North-American plains, but the surrounding forests made it feel like a dot among a painting which was so tall you'd have to take a step back to see the whole art.

Since that day, we have been the closest friends we could ever have. We were so close to the point in which we wouldn't even try much to make other friends since it seemed like we only need each other. We've all changed a lot since then, but we were still all suited for each other, like how complementary colours are always perfect together. Whether it be blue and purple or orange and yellow, we were simply made to be together.

This was how everything worked, and even though we no longer draw portraits of nature in the treehouse while listening to Katy Perry on those old portable stereos, it's still the same vibe, really. Last Saturday, Lacie and I had a sleepover in our warm little treehouse in which she brought over some good ole commando brandy to enjoy while we played card games past midnight with our flashlight shining from the side. Instead of listening to Katy Perry on a stereo, we sung to Lil Peep while falling on our asses laughing about our self-deprecation jokes and stories.

I'm telling you, Jess really was missing out. It's a shame for her, that she didn't come; unfortunate.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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