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word count: 625

"Well, don't you look like a ray of sunshine," EJ smirks as I hurry into homeroom on Friday morning. We're one week into the school year and I already want to bash my head against my desk. I glare at him as we wait for Mr. Mazzara to start attendance. I feel massive amounts of dread as I think about how EJ and I actually have to talk during Biology today. We have reflection questions to answer before the end of class and it will require communication to get done.

"I'm not in the mood, EJ," I reply, brushing bright blonde hair out of my face. "Angie woke up late and Colton couldn't find his cleats and Clara spilled cereal all over her- it doesn't matter. I don't know why I'm telling you any of this."

"Sounds like a fun morning," he says. "Lucky me that I don't have little siblings to worry about."

"Funny," I sigh, brushing more hair out of my face. It seems my head got the message to make my life difficult today. "I remember you always being envious that I had such a big family."

"At least I don't get treated like a personal chauffeur," EJ laughs once, crossing his arms.

"What makes you think I get treated like a chauffer?" I grunt. "I feel-"

"Feel lonely? Missing me?" EJ cuts me off.

I have to stop myself from laughing in his face. "Who said that?"

"A birdie," he shrugs. "Named Mrs. Bradley."

"What are you talking about?" I glare at him.

"Oh nothing," he shakes his head, observing his fingernails. "Just that earlier this week your mom stopped by. She said you were going to come over, but you never showed. Before she left though she mentioned that you're a very lonely girl now that I'm not around all the time."

"You're bluffing," I reply, pulling my hair up into a bun.

"Why would I lie?" EJ leans closer to me, lowering his voice. "You know I don't lie to you."

"Back off," I lean away from him. "I already told you I'm not in the mood today."

"You're not denying it," he continues. "You miss me."

"I haven't missed you for a long time," I argue. It pains me to even entertain him, but I can't say nothing. My pride refuses to be silent.

"So you have missed me before?" EJ raises an eyebrow, like he just found a loose string to tug on.

I turn to face him and force a fake smile for a moment before replying. "The old me did. And if any part of me misses you now, it only misses the way you used to be."

"The way I used to be? That's the best you've got?" He asks, smirking.

"Yeah, the way you used to be," I nod, mustering up all the confidence I have. I haven't stared at EJ and held a conversation like this with him in a long time. "You used to be the kind of person that was worth missing. But now, you're not really worth anything at all."

I don't wait for a reply. I turn away from him and listen to the last of the announcements. I tap my finger anxiously against the desk. My leg starts to bounce with anticipation. I just want to leave.

When the bell rings, I'm the first person out of the classroom. I couldn't take another second in there with that arrogant bastard. It makes my blood boil, knowing that he wasn't always this way. It infuriates me that I can't understand how someone could change every fundamental aspect of themselves and feel no remorse for who they destroyed in the process.

He used to be so different. And now he's just a dick.


First update of the 2024! I'm so excited to get a good start on writing this year!

Love y'all❤️


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