Good Night Baby Girl

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Hey guys. I'm back lol. I have no excuses for being gone this long but I'll try to update more often :) Most of this chapter will be in an omniscient third person point of view.

As Leah opened the door she quietly stepped in with Ty not too far behind. He was holding Dana--who was asleep--along with movie theatre popcorn, cotton candy, and carnival prizes. He accidentally dropped it all startling Leah and making her shriek.

"Shh! You'll wake her up!" Ty whisper yelled at Leah. She just rolled her eyes and took Dana from him.

"Clean up this mess. I'm taking her upstairs." Leah whispered back. She marched upstairs effortlessly switching leaving Ty to shake his head, lick his lips, and then chuckle.

Leah laid Dana carefully on the bed and pulled off her socks, shoes, and outfit and went to look for some cute PJ's in their bag. She pulled out a cute set that consisted of shorts and a short sleeved shirt decorated with cartoon ice cream. Leah dressed her and softly brushed her curls back into a ponytail before tucking her in and kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight baby girl." Leah whispered against Dana's forehead. She then turned out the lamp and quietly exited and closed the door. She turned around only to bump into Ty. She jumped.

"Jesus Christ Ty!" She clutched her heart. Figuratively speaking, of course.

"My bad, Lee." He laughed quietly. "You should've seen your face." He then began mocking Leah's fright turning her scare into a playful attitude face.

"Shut the fuck up." Leah whispered aggressively through gritted teeth combined with two slaps to Ty's arm and head. He continued to laugh obviously not fazed by her abuse. She walked past him into her room and he followed. She plopped down onto her bed and climbed into the center before extending her legs, folding her arms, and pouting.

"C'mon Lee, I was playing damn." Ty walked into the room clutching his side and out of breath from strenuous laughter. She continued with her look of stoicism and silence. Ty then smacked his lips and climbed onto the bed on all fours, "Leah you forreal mad?"

Still silence.

Again, smacking of the lips and closer crawling towards Leah. His hands and knees were on either sides of her legs and lower arms leaving her body between his. She kept a straight face and he looked her dead in the eyes. This went on for 2 minutes before the two bursted into laughter in unison. The laughter went on for what seemed to the two like forever. It was these times that they missed and had longed for, for the past semi-decade. They laughed so hard about something so idiotic and immature that Ty had lost strength in his arms and collapsed on top of Leah. Her upper body was perpendicular to the bed while her lower body was parallel to it. Meanwhile Ty's body was completely parallel to it and his head laid in Leah's lap.

As they gasped for air and came to a silence he looked up into her eyes and she began stroking his head. He rolled off of her and sat next to her and turned on the television.

"Ugh...nothing's on." Leah frowned as she surfed from channel to channel. "How about Netflix?" Her eyes lit up at her idea.

"Cool with me." Ty snuggled closer to her. Her mind told her to tense up and be uncomfortable but her heart was right at home and overrode her brain making her meet Ty's notion and get closer to him. As she looked through Netflix, Ty stared at her in an awed daze when she suddenly gasped startling him.

"OH MY GOD! This-is-my-favorite-movie-I-love-this-movie-I've-been-waiting-on-it-to-be-on-DVD-or-Netflix-or-red-box-or-something-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-this-is-my-lucky-day-or-I-guess-I-should-say-night-but--"

"Leah! Leah!" Ty chuckled. "Calm down and speak English. What the fuck is Beyond the Lights?" He scrunched up his nose at the name. Leah gawked at him and then shed fake tears.

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