Chapter: 20 His Patience Had Run Out

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Chapter: 20

Swiftrunner's POV:

So, it wasn't too bad. 

Megatron was mad at us for not retrieving the damn message, but if he wanted it that bad. Then he should have gone out and got it for himself. After that, I was near the boiling point of my anger and was going to open my mouth to him. I closed it once I saw Soundwave shaking his head at me. It made me angrier, but now my hot anger was directed at him. After Megatron dismissed us from the bridge, I watched as the other two slipped down the hallway to the med bay. I was going to go with them, but I decided to hold off on it. 

I thought better of it and walked down the hallway. Decepticons make it hard to rely on someone or think someone has your back when they don't. I was beginning to miss being with the Autobots and teasing Ratchet about every little thing to see him get angry with me pestering him. I need to visit them as soon as I can. I felt like a storm was beginning to brew and not in a good way. I slipped into the room that was assigned to me and lay down on the bed. I stared up at the ceiling and pouted in silence. I need to get a hold of my emotions. I need to be a blank canvas, to paint myself how Megaron wants his little soldier to be. 

It makes my energon boil, but I didn't hold myself back from saying anything. I know if I did, I would probably end up like Starscream after Megatron got through with him. That wasn't something that I needed right now. It would surely end my existence even if I tried to go up against Megatron, but that was Optimus Prime's destiny. Who was I to interfere with that? With a deep breath that escaped from my lips, I decided to go offline and get the rest that I needed. 


With a deep breath that escaped from my lips, I was in the archive section again and staring at the jumbo of information at my tips. There was nothing that I could do about it because I couldn't translate to save my soul. I also sent a couple of them to Ratchet out of spite for what had happened when we got back. Anger pulsed through me while thinking of how single-minded Megatron was. The ruthless, but brilliant leader of the Decepticons. He was going down. I don't care if it had to be a year or two down the road, but I was going to look for an opportunity and one that I was going to drive a point into. 

These male bots were getting on my nerves as always and I needed some fresh air, but I didn't want to see Soundwave at all. His loyalties lie with Megatron and the Decepticon's side. He wanted to see Megatron ruled with an iron fist. I close my optics once more to get a handle on my chaotic emotions before breathing outwards. Things got too hectic for my head to be in this game right now, but it was confusing. I didn't do anything more before logging out of the database while clearing my search history as Soundwave had taught me. 

The student will surpass the master in more ways than one. A wicked grin settled on my face before making my way out of the archive room. It wasn't long before I decided to pop in with Knockout and Breakdown. To my surprise, Breakdown wasn't here only Knockout was. The red-painted bot looked up at me and grinned, "Come to finish what you have started?"

It took me a minute in what he was referencing to, but a slow smirk crept up on my face while shrugging my shoulders, "Have we been thinking about that all day?" I purred to him.

"Maybe." He grins sinfully in return.

I only roll my eyes at this Con before turning away from him and taking in my surroundings once more, "Where's your assistant?"

"Here." He was closing now as I turned around and I arched a brow.

"Oh, is that so? I don't see him?" I know I was teasing him and I had to stop before someone saw us acting this way towards each other. He was easy to swoon and he loved compliments. That much was clear. Soundwave on the other hand was still mysterious and liked to take his sweet time in making my gears turn in on themselves. He was complicated and challenging. Knockout didn't provide a challenge, but he did like to race. So, that was a bonus on my part.

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