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The clear glass panels of the timber windows ardently shielded the haze of Monday morning. Utilizing their remarkable rigidity, they combated the sturdy mist that rolled across the smooth surface, asserting a near-victory. The tender snowflakes, in the contrary, were at success. They hoisted their triumph and accumulated in massive mounds over the wooden slabs, the pavement, the foyer, the garden that once bloomed with spirited flowers and whatever the earth held.

The chill breeze of December exerted its partial dominance by benefitting from its mighty powers of expansion and crawled through the narrow apertures of the sills at Mr. Bernard's cozy cottage located at the suburbs of the enchanting city of Nottingham.

"Grandpa!" Melody's shrill reverberated through the hushed cottage as she tugged Bernard's woolen blanket. Her mischievous twin, Harmony, executed the second step of their plan –tapping Bernard until he wakes.

Bernard stubbornly refused the adorable voices of his precious grandchildren and decided not to wake up from his blissful siesta. He pulled the warm blanket closer and tightly covered his face, only letting air enough to breathe and faced towards the closed side of the leather couch.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!" the twins chorused in unison. They resisted giving up easily.

"Melody! Harmony! Let Grandpa rest!" Caley chided as she approached her troublesome girls and attempted to pull them away so her father-in-law could sleep soundly.

"It's fine, Caley," Bernard straightened up and tossed his blanket to the wooden floor, rubbing his drowsy eyes.

Witnessing his grandchildren getting reprimanded by their parents was something Bernard could never stand. The moment Harmony's lips curved into a somber pout and the instant when tiny, glistening tears trickled down Melody's pale skin was the last thing Bernard would want to witness.

It was an insufferable pain and Bernard always tried to avoid it. That made him reach any lengths to make them cheery, and today's length was sacrificing his afternoon nap.

Bernard beckoned Caley to carry on with her work and turned to confront his demanding granddaughters with a balmy smile. The adamant nature of Melody and Harmony took gradual steps towards the path of his beloved wife Alicia's paradigm.

And whatever Alicia wanted, she got.

"Okay, pumpkins! Grandpa Bernard at your service! What can I do for you, your Highnesses?" Bernard surrendered fondly.

"We made a snowman!" Harmony announced in her mellifluous tone.


"Can I see it?" Bernard questioned eagerly.

"Come with me!" Melody's chubby fingers enclosed in tiny gloves shot to clasp Bernard's wrinkled hand. Harmony grabbed Bernard's other hand without delay, following the lead of her older sibling.

It was like those heartwarming scenes in poignant movies. The trio symbolized unconditional love and affection as the musical twins dragged their lovable grandfather and opened the creaky door to the world beyond their warm cottage.

Bernard gripped on to their tender fists and cautiously stepped down the wooden stairs. He took a deep breath of the cold air and exhaled a chilly sigh. Melody pointed to their impressive masterpiece.

The three-foot, two-layered snowman stood independently, wearing a moss green beanie and a baby blue muffler to fend off the bitter wind.

"Can you see Mr. Snowman?" Harmony tilted her tiny head to gaze at her grandfather's awe.
"Wow!" Bernard exclaimed," Did my lovely princesses make this pretty snowman?"

The twins nodded aggressively with a radiant beam that brought warmth to the surroundings.

"It is so gorgeous !" he squealed.

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