Chapter 9

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"Fridah I'm being honest" I say whining.
My sister is really angry at me,she thinks that I didn't take a picture with her prince because of my pride,while the guy just disappeared after the session.
"You are lying Belle,the prince is here for a goodwill tour,he wouldn't just disappear from an outing" she says.
"No buts Belle,it's fine. I have to go" she cuts me off and hangs up.
Oh yeah she is mad at me. I don't think I will see the prince ever again do I'm thinking I will just print out a picture for her on Google,at least that will do.

I get up from the couch and go take a shower. I'm the master of ceremonies at a charity event today,beauty queen duties. When I'm done I dry my hair and put it up. I lotion my body and put on blue skinny jeans,a black bodysuit and a black blazer. Luckily this is not a formal event so I'm free to dress up casual today. I sit on my vanity table and put on a bit of make-up,not much just enough to show off my features. When I'm done I put on my white Airforce sneakers and my handbag. What I love about today is that I get to drive myself,I always get driven around it feels like this car is just sitting there for show on my parking spot.
I put on some RnB music and sing along as I drive to the venue.

Their outdoor set up is truly beautiful but as I look up,it seems like those grey clouds don't agree. They better have umbrellas or we are all going to get wet. Luckily the press has not arrived,so I go backstage. I sit on a chair away from the busy people and go through the program because that is what I will be doing today and surprisingly I see Prince Andrew on the closing speech. Just my luck maybe today he won't pull any disappearing acts. After a few minutes of going through my social media apps I'm finally told that we are ready to start. I make my way to the stage from the back,there is a podium with a microphone connected. I greet the people and tell them the story behind this charity, when I'm done I introduce the first speaker.

Halfway through the event it started raining and luckily they had umbrellas.
"And allow me to introduce our final speaker for the day,his royal highness Prince Andrew" I say and everybody claps as the prince makes his way to the podium. I quickly take my position on far side of the stage with my dripping umbrella. A lady comes from behind me and stands with me under the umbrella,I guess everybody wants to see him speak. How insane is that.

He is wearing light wash blue jeans,a black shirt that is rolled up to his sleeves and sneakers. His dirty blonde hair is already wet from the rain,he first makes a joke and the crowd laughs. The way he is dressed you can easily mistaken him for a normal guy but from the way he carries himself and the way that he speaks you can tell that he is an elite member of society. As he speaks the wind gets a little bit harsh making him to tighten his hold on the papers in his hand in the meantime making sure that the umbrella doesn't fly away. I look around and nobody is helping him,I'm sure the poor guy cannot even concentrate on his speech. I might get killed for this or arrested but my kind just refuses to watch and do nothing. I give my umbrella to the lady and walk to him.
"Let me help you" I say as I hold the umbrella for him.
He gives me a small smile and continues with his speech now able to make eye contact with the audience. No wonder people are crazy about him,this man is a sight for sore eyes. His emerald green eyes seem to have a story behind them.

He closes off his speech and stands to the side giving me space,at least he remembers that I'm the MC. I thank everybody for coming and wish them a safe journey home. Then we walk to the back of the stage,after taking shelter he thanks me as I give him his umbrella back and get gets swooped into a group of people. I fetch my bag from the other room and then thank the organisers for having me.

"Oh shit!" I say to myself as I stand by the door,it's raining cats and dogs and I gave my umbrella to that lady.
I guess Im going to get wet since the parking lot is far from here.
"I guess it's my turn to help you" Prince Andrew says coming to my side.
I gave up my umbrella to help him it's only fitting he does.
I smile at him and nod my head.
"John let's go" he says as we walk out.
John is the man in black walking behind us I assume.
"Which one is your car?" He asks.
"That one" I say pointing him to my beautiful Mercedes.
I unlock it and he opens the drivers side for me making sure that not even a drop lands on me.
"Thank you so much your highness" I say.
"Please call me Andrew" he says with a polite smile.
"Do drive safely" he says and starts to walk away.
At that moment I remember that my sister is mad at me because I didn't take a picture with this guy.
"Andrew!" I call for him as I take out my phone from my bag.
He walks back to me with a questioning brow raised.
"Uhm... Can I please have a picture with you my sister would really like that" I say giving him puppy eyes.
He chuckles and nods his head.
"Shit! My phone is off,I guess some other time then" I say throwing the dead phone on the passenger seat.
"We can use mine" he says taking it out of his pocket and handing it to me.
I squeal as I step out of my car and join him under the umbrella. I take three selfies and hand it to him. He takes my number so that he can send the pictures to me.
"Done" he says showing me his phone.
He has sent the pictures to me via WhatsApp.
"I owe you one" I say as I get back in to my car.
"I might just collect on that one" he says giving me a smirk as he walks away.
I can't help but smile as I drive away.

When I get home I charge my phone as I get into a nice and hot bubble bath. My body relaxes and I stay there for as long as I can until the water starts to get cold. I get out and put on my pyjamas. I make myself some noodles and watch a movie. Tomorrow it's back to training and dress designing might as well just relax before Mandla starts irritating me. When the movie is done I wash the bowl and put it away. I take my phone and switch it on. I reply to some messages and send Andrew a thank you text as I save his numbers. I immediately forward the pictures to my sister,I guess she is offline.
"Glad you got home safely" Andrew texts.
"A little bit of rain doesn't scare me" I reply.
"Says the girl who wanted to cry by the door" he texts with a lot of laughing emojis.
"Goodnight superman" I text back with a rolling eye emoji.
He sends more laughing emojis and goes offline. Well I guess I better go to bed. The nightmare resumes tomorrow.


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