Two months later..

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Bella's POV
It's been two months since I found out I'm pregnant. Tuck and I are very happy about living on our own, it's just my dad text me, just to be safe. I do get annoyed but I think my mom fixed it. Also no one but the royal family knows that I'm pregnant si there is no unnecessary attention.

Anyways, I'm sitting by the kitchen table, eating a bubblegum ice cream with broccoli and carrots; I know, weird; but I blame it on my cravings. I haven't done much queen work because I'm don't want to move.

I hear the door opens and I see the Haywoods coming in.

"Hey, Bella!" The Haywoods said.

"Hi." I replied with a full mouth. Tuck came over to kiss me on my cheek but soon had a disturbing look when he saw what I was eating.

"Vegetables on ice cream?" Tuck question.

"Blame my pregnancy cravings." I said, rolling my eyes and taking another bite.

"Well, at least the morning sickness is over." Beau said.

"So when do we find out about the gender?" Chloe asked.

"A little too soon, Chloe." Brody said. "But another three months."

"That's too long." Cassidy said, not wanting to wait.

They aren't aren't wrong, everyone one is too excited for the new baby. Lucky nobody outside of the family knows about the baby.

"By the way, I have a odd dream about you guys ended up having twins." Beau said.

"Twins?" Tuck and I questioned.

"Thankfully, it was just dream."

I was still eating my ice cream when my parents came in with some bags and they saw what I was eating.

"Don't ask." I told them.

"Ok. Anyways, Amrita and Liam told Lonnie and Jay about their engagement." My mom said.

"How did they take it?" Bailey asked.

"Jay's making Liam take a boot camp to see if he's worthy." My dad said. "I feel sorry for him."

We looked at him like he was crazy. My dad was just the same with me and Tuck.

"Ben, I love you..." My mom started. "...but, you're just as bad."

"Name one time?" My dad said question.

"You went beast on Tuck on giving him a lecture on dating Bella." Cassidy said.

"You tried to put cameras in the house." Dylan said.

"And you're called almost every day." I said.

"I take back what I said." My dad said.

"Anyways, I know it's a little soon but we bought some baby stuff for you." My mom said, showing the bag.

"And, I couldn't resist." My dad said, taking out a baby size royal blue suit with gold trims and a baby sizes royal purple princess dress with green butterflies on it. We're all gasping with excitement.

"Oh my goodness. This is so cute." I said, taking the outfits from my dad and dying from cuteness.

"I know it's too early but it's just so cute." Ben said.

"It is adorable." Dylan said. "I don't think we all can't resist."

Three months later...

No one's POV
Bella and Tuck are now with the doctor who is checking on the baby and they are about to find out about the gender.

"Ok, everything is pretty much normal, your majesty." The doctor said.

"Thank you." Bella replied.

"So, can we find out about the gender?" Tuck asked.


The doctor started to move around the ultrasound as they listened to but soon noticed something.

"That's interesting." The doctor said, making Bella and Tuck worried.

"What? Is something wrong?" Bella asked.

"No... your having twins." The doctor said, shocking Bella and Tuck.


Bella Beast-Haywood and Tuck Haywood are having twins. Finally, I finally wrote some for this story. I am so sorry for taking so long but a lot has happened. A passed my high school, my family went on holiday and I'm going to be doing (hopefully) a sewing course. So I have a lot on me but I want to continue writing and I have two exciting new books on the way. Anyways, thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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