Chapter Four- Caaaan you feel the love tonight?

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So, let me tell you how it all went down... Daniel Wilson, the boy I've had a crush on for a couple years, (on the downlow) goes to my Jewish synagogue. I've known him since I was about, 12 or 13, I think? He's tall, dark brown, wavy hair. Brown eyes. He can sing, really REALLY well. He's a little hairy, but he's mexican, and I never minded anyway.

So that Saturday, January 5th, 2013, he invited my cousins, Emily & Ashton, and myself over for the night. Just like old times. So, we went over, and hung out with Daniel's family... Which, by the way, is not small. There's 9 kids in that house. The oldest is Carson, he was 18 at the time, then it's Amelia, she was also 18. Daniel was 16, then Caleb was 14, and Lydia was 12... I know, I know, "That's only 5??" The other 4 were like 8 and under... Aaaand irrelevant to the story.
Now, January 5th... We were all hanging out, and kind of separated into groups. Daniel and I ended up together in a group, and we started walking around his neighborhood. Talking, and laughing, just like old times. Daniel and I had a very similar personality type... We got along great. We started talking about relationships, and kissing...
"Daniel, you're my best guy friend... And you could say I'm a good girl-friend person to you, right?" I asked, and he nodded, "Yeah, I suppose. Why?" I swallowed, before saying the next part... I didn't know what he would say, so I was a little nervous. "If we aren't married by the time we're 30, do you wanna get married?" I looked at him, and tried to read his face... Did I just embarrass myself? Are we good? Is he gonna agree with it? What's he going to say?!

"Yeah! That's a good idea!" *Sigh of relief* Thank, goodness... "Ok, cool! Anyways.." I tried to change the subject. It ended up starting to raining, so we ran home, drenched.
Apparently that conversation sparked a little somethin' inside of Daniel... He told Amelia that he likes me, and Amelia told Carson, and Carson told Emily, and Emily told me. OH! I forgot about Carson and Emily! They dated for like two years, and then broke up for almost a year, and January 5th was the first time they hung out since they broke up. And they ended up getting back together... Anyways. When I found out Daniel liked me, you can imagine how I felt. I was jumping up and down, super ecstatic.

Fast forward to the next Saturday, January 12th. Daniel invited us over again, and his mom and her friend were saying they were gonna go to this Swing Dancing hall, and asked if we wanted to join. Daniel and I thought it would be fun, so we tagged along! Carson and Emily came too, and it was fun! We pretty much did everything, but dance... We went walking, and Daniel put his arm around me. We found an art alley, and it was so beautiful. Daniel was a little skiddish about the fact that Emily and I were so comfortable going into a dark, art alley at almost midnight...
On the way home, we cuddled in the back of their van. And he admitted he liked me. I had butterflies so hard, you wouldn't believe. The only thing I could think was "OH MY GOSH!! Daniel likes me! Daniel likes me!! DANIEL LIKES ME!!!" And I fell asleep on his chest. The night. Was. Perfect.
The next 4 months consisted of beach trips, McDonald's dates to get Hot and Spicy's and McFlurry's, going to the park, holding hands, countless nights on his roof, talking and cuddling... Until Easter Sunday, 2013. I did a horrible thing... I hit Daniel, out of anger... Or so he says. He said I got mad at Carson and Cole Anderson... (Cole Anderson is a identical twin to Paul, and they're both royal Colombian douchebags. I used to like Paul like, 4 years ago, because he was super sweet! But then he turned into a major douchebag, so I duced it.)
ANYWAY! I got mad at Carson and Cole, and walked away. Daniel came running after me to try to cheer me up, and was asking me for a hug. I didn't wanna give one, so I pushed him away. BUT, he said I hit him... I don't remember what actually happened, but that's the jist of it. So then, Daniel didn't talk to me for a month. From Easter Sunday in March, to April 29th. Our families went to their beach resort on the 29th of April 2013 for Daniel and Oliva's, a family friend, birthdays. So we went, and Monday, Daniel hardly talked to me. Tuesday, he said maybe a few words to me. Wednesday, we walked on the beach for a little bit together. Thursday night we went to dinner, and he sat at the same table with me. We actually talked a lot at dinner, and when we left, he sat by me in the car... He put his head on my shoulder, and our hands were resting on our legs, almost touching.
When we got back to the resort, he asked me if we could talk, and I said sure. I was silently freaking out, because I didn't know what he was going to say, and it would be the first REAL talk we had since he stopped talking to me... I was excited.
I was driving from one side of the resort to the other, and he rode with me, to talk...

"So..." He breathed. It was silent for a few seconds... You could hear a pin drop. "I still like you." He finally let out, "I still like you too..." I smiled to myself, silently freaking out ONCE AGAIN, because he still has feelings for me... "And I really wanted to hold your hand in the car, when we left the spot..." He laughed, "Me too!" I laughed, "I'm so glad I'm not the only one." We both looked at eachother and smiled. "So... We're good?" I asked, tilting my head. "Yeah, we're good." We hugged. "And, really, I am very sorry I hit you." A said, as we both let go of our hug. "It's ok, no worries." We both smiled, and got out of the car and went upstairs. We said we weren't gonna tell everyone but I had to tell someone! I told my mom, Olivia and Ashton. Oops.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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