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"You're preachin' to the choir, stop hatin' on yourself...."

Your eyes fly open, as you begin heavily panting while looking around. Back in the room?

A dream.

You were dreaming, of course, which makes sense, why would Striker be there especially knowing how much he hates the gang and is meant to assassinate Stolas? The gang was in the room this time taking notice of your now waken presence. Refusing to speak you just sat there, feeling like shit, sweating absolute bullets. Taking notice of the dry air and dense aroma of sweat and tears, Millie becons.


My tail was swishing between my gowns, an uncomfortable conversation was about to happen, and all I could think about was my pills. "Hun, you know you can't keep on like this, you need help. I know you remember last time.." Her voice was soft, but firm and straightforward. "I can't do it, Mills." I retorted, rolling my eyes while gaining my composure trying not to think about my past experiences in this shithole. Millie scoffs at me, "Listen, how about we take it slow-" I interrupt her, "Not here." The gang share a glance before nodding, Blitz then continues, "Alright then, if we take you home- no, if Stolas watches over you while you stay at his place will you work with us?"

Decisions, I've never been good with them, I tut my tongue and think. If I agree I could just sneak then when nobody is watching, or I could make some sort of deal. "Fine, but I take it slow which means I still get at least one pill a day, AND I still want to keep my job." The gang looks again at each other, sighing but giving in. "We don't want to see you like this Y/N" Moxxie adds in, "We miss having you at work too..or, whatever," Loona says softly before scrolling on her phone. I take in a deep breath, allowing my body a moment of peace. 

Millie then breaks the silence, "But, one of us will always need to be with you N/N, you aren't goin' off by yourself." What the fuck, how's that fair I have a job to do and I cannot risk them being there for it. "What?! That wasn't part of the deal Mills?" I throw my hands up and begin getting out of bed, Stolas now steps forward offering me a hand, I scoff and shove his hand away, "This is your fucking fault, you snitched on me." furrowing my brow at him, anger quickly arises from inside me. Blitz steps in quickly, "WHOA now hold the fuck on, how is it fair that you get all pissed off at him?"

I just ignored him.

I didn't care.

"Whatever, let's just fucking leave." I quickly get out of bed, but before I could even grab my purse Stolas steps forward, "Looking for these?" He held out the baggie of pills. "We agreed on one a day." I put out my hand practically begging for the pill. Stolas looked at my appearance and began to open the baggie only to be stopped by Blitz, "No." Anger built up yet again, "What- what do you mean no?!" I put my hand out further, meanwhile, Blitz had shoved the baggie into his coat. "I can't watch someone else fall down this path, no pills at all."




"Please, give me just one." I smile softly, Blitz just shakes his head in return, and the air feels tense as Millie and Moxxie slowly come closer behind me. "Blitz..." I repeat his name, venom lacing my words, again he shakes his head, Stolas now stepping between the two of us. I clench my fists, "I'm not going to ask again." I get ready to pounce but right before I do Millie and Moxxie grab ahold of me, locking me in place. Blitz began yelling for the doctor, not long a few ran in, one stabbing me with a needle, before I knew it the room was spinning, the hands released from my body as I blanked out.



I watched as Y/Ns body went limp, her breathing finally calming down. Stolas had told us the whole situation briefly that was going on with her, it was hard to look at her and not see my sister in her eyes. I couldn't allow her to go down the same path, Millie had broken down in the office as soon as Stolas had stopped by to tell us what had happened. I've seen rage from that woman but nothing like this.

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