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"The case records show that Carla Masters had a unique relationship with Arlov. He used her to either steal or secure purchase of various renaissance art pieces, but I can't tell what she would have brokered in return from him." Agent Pike returned the moment Cho left the kitchen.

Ronnie leaned on her elbows. "He has a lot of money and manpower behind him. She would use his men as security when she was getting a little too high profile for comfort." Anxiety wormed its way up her stomach to nest in her chest and throat.

Shirali Arlov, one of her mother's oldest associates, had been in either the background or foreground of many of Ronnie's worst memories. His men were soulless thugs and he himself was little better.

"So he was involved in the trafficking?" Pike's eyebrows rose, like he couldn't believe that the art thief he'd been tracking for months was also in the business of selling human beings.

Breathing deeply to quell the choke hold of her memories, Ronnie shook her head. That was one concern she could put to rest. "No. If he had anything going for him, it's that he found Carla's trade barbaric. He knew she trafficked, and he'd use what access she had to get her to steal from some of her marks, but he only dealt with her personally. He always asked that she keep her business to the side when they had to work together."

"So it was Carla's personal endeavors that he helped with." Pike guessed.

"He helped her with money and connections. Carla's trade was costly and staying under the radar to do it meant having relationships. He helped her stay invisible." Ronnie could think of a number of meetings between them. He'd introduce Carla to diplomats and businessmen, other well-to-do crime lords and drug runners.

He'd always been resourceful.

He'd never been kind.

"I believe something similar probably happened with Harry Lashley." Pike passed Ronnie an image of the Moro. The background features were in calming earth tones, sky and pasture, rolling hills, a distant structure, far off horsemen. The spotlight of the painting, however, was a seated woman in a gown of emerald green. "The painting was stolen and hasn't appeared yet for any ransom, which tells me it was procured by someone who either wanted it for himself, or had a private buyer in mind. Arlov is just the man for this painting, and I don't believe it's a coincidence that he's been in town for exactly three days."

"Arlov wouldn't have pulled this off himself. Someone stole it for him." Ronnie set the image down and leaned back. "He's a Russian oil baron and top dog monster. He doesn't do his own dirty work. He's probably partying right now." She could just picture him in his hillside California home, overlooking the vineyards out his window with a dozen gorgeous women milling around him.

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