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Word count: 591
Rengoku pov

  (the day giyu and obanai had their dinner date ) this is important

Man that sucks maybe I should being Aoi and inosuke  flowers they would like that right. They would appreciate that I hope they got into heaven .  We will miss you y'all were to young to die I'll see you soon.

I then got out the right outfit. I brushed my teeth before I got in the shower. I then turned on the shower and checked the temperature. I like to take nice and cold showers. I then took of my clothing and hope in .  After 10 -20 minutes I got out of the shower. I put on the outfit it was a dark red vest and long black pants. I put my hair in a ponytail since Aoi love my hair in a ponytail. I decided to leave my phone since I won't be using it much. I put my shoes on and leave .

I grabbed my wallet and left i got in my car and went to a bear by café . I open the cafe door I went to the counter to order . What would you like the lady said I would like a small coffee with a sandwich , a strawberry shortcake , cake and an cookie.What a small treat i thought to myself meh . I waited a little until she got my order. "Thanks you that would be ### ." I paid her and sat down. I started drinking my coffee. I was reading me x tengen fanfic I can't believe that they had it. What weird people I got finished a few minutes later . I got up and left I went to the flower shop to get some pretty red roses why so beautiful. 

I then went to the graveyard and talked to them for hours about how everyone has been doing and stuff like that. It was then so late so I had to leave. I then placed down the beautiful flowers and left .  The cafe was far so u had to walk . I was almost at the flower shop and I see a car coming they were going pretty slow so I think they wanted me to go ahead. So I started walking and the car started speeding

3rd pov

The car hit rengoku it wasn't that serious and rengoku had walked it off . But then the person got out of the car with a chainsaw in hand. Rengoku saw it and tied to escape but since he was hin by a car the fabric of the pants was caught in it. As rengoku tried to rip it out fall the killer attacked. He cut both of his arms of it was to late . He killer then put the chainsaw in the car . And got out gloves and a spoon . They put the gloves on and grabbed the spoon . He then scoop out the eyes and put it aside the body . The killer then grabbed a fork two to be exact and stabbed the eye  socket. As the blood ran down his body cold lifeless body . They threw the spoon a few meters away. And stepped on his body and the blood came pouring out . The forks still in the body . The killers got in the car and got away. No near by camera's could get the car  but early that morning someone from the flower shop found him red all over him.

lol giving me Grell the reaper vibes. One comment =one like for Grell word count is now at top

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