CHAPTER I.X: An Anomaly

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TIP 145: Remember that your choice is not always yours to take.

Thoughts are swirling through your mind, its words echoing against the walls of your skull, There are a few names repeating themselves in your train of thoughts again and again, screaming and begging to be heard, as you eventually find yourself unable to decide between two: Fundy and Dream. All logic points towards Dream. For one, you have no personal relation to him, so he cannot suspect you of doing such a thing. Second of all, you have no personal relation to him, nor ever met him before, so you're sure you won't feel any sort of regret towards the decision, or remorse. It's not exactly in your moral compass, after all – despite your life in the apocalypse back home – to just kill someone without any reason. Sure, there is reason here, but who are you to decide? Who are you to be the judge of who lives, who dies?

That, and Dream is a bad person, from what you've heard. If you have to believe the stories, he is nothing but bad news.

And yet, when you speak the words, when you say what has to be said, when you decide and give the deity your honest suggestion, it's Fundy's name you mumble.

The moment you feel your mouth forming those letters, you're overthrown with confusion. It's as if you forgot how to speak, once you're done, the deity chuckling at your attempts to 'correct' your sentence. "The young prince of L'Manberg, huh? Interesting choice, though not surprising to me at all."

"That's not whom my rationality told me to pick," you comment, at which the deity laughs, the sound echoing against the nothingness around you.

"This isn't a world of rationality, mortal. The Chamber of Divinity is a place far beyond one's comprehension, meaning there's no place for thoughts based on logic, but on instinct. Every human wants to survive; it's their true nature. And in the Chamber of Divinity, nature overthrows nurture, and decisions come from logic alone." The cold breath of a death falls upon your ear, her voice becoming a quiet whisper: "Have you had run-ins with Fundy, Y/N? Or perhaps, a meeting that... scared you a little? I understand. He's an intimidating fellow, especially to people like you."

"People like me?"

"People like you. Peasants. Pretty peasants. Of course, pretty is a subjective that I myself am not familiar with, so I can't call you that, but clearly he thinks you are. And I'm sure that your welcoming aura doesn't really help you a lot either." Do you have a welcoming aura? Sure, it's not like you're unapproachable or anything, but you expected the apocalypse and the incident with your lover to have hardened you a little. Maybe you were too naïve. Or maybe it did impact you, but not on a surface level.

"Can I still change my choice? It's unwise for Fundy to be the victim, Dream would make so much more sense and I think the consequences would be less... direct."

"You're thinking about consequences in a world where you've never been before, Y/N. With all due respect, but I believe Fundy to be the better option, both for the story and for you. Fundy, after all, does have knowledge of you that the others don't: knowledge that may put you in serious danger." She chuckles, the sound floating around, allowing you to pinpoint more where her consciousness or soul or whatever may be located, although it may also just be a trick of the mind, an illusion. "Besides, I don't think you really want Dream to become the victim. He's not the one to have screamed at you, after all."

"The fuck are you doing here, Y/N?" The image of Fundy appears in front of you, as you now watch from a third person perspective how Fundy holds you tightly and angrily, staring at you with nothing but fury in his eyes. "You said you never wanted to see me again, but here you are, sucking up to my father?! What the fuck?!"

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