CHAPTER II.I: Another Serenade

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TIP 292: Make sure you are rested and fed well before travelling. The travel itself may consume quite some of your energy!

The world that you find yourself next in, is much different than the one you've been getting used to.

For one, you don't know exactly where you end up at first. While the last time you appeared in a place where you could both gather your thoughts and your things, without anyone's eyes focused on you, this time you're immediately met with the bustling crowds of people the moment you leave the alleyway in which you spawned. Still wearing the clothing of a medieval peasant, you'd expect to stand out, which you do, but for different reasons.

The people crawling through the street, with darkness having already fallen over their city, wore clothing in much worse state than yours. Their eyes are empty and their faces are dirty. Some miss a few fingers, other have scratches on their face, most look pale and tired with bags under their eyes. None of them look happy. The people among this crowd are too of all ages and genders, an unfamiliar grief on all of their faces as they continue walking towards the East of the grey and dead city.

Quite some of the people passing you are coughing and do look quite ill; considering you just came from a place and time where the plague would soon come to haunt the population, you instinctively cover your mouth with the fabric of your costume. The people don't seem to realize this.

For a bit, feeling both out of place and overwhelmed, you stay in the alleyway in which you spawned. Jake has once again changed his appearance, this time looking like a pigeon, flying not near you, but instead sitting down upon the roof above you, eyes constantly on you. It's as though he's protecting you, you think to yourself.

With your arms crossed, you lean against the wall of the alleyway, watching as the night slowly falls, until the streets are easier to walk through. A couple of ladies of clearly higher status have walked by and given some food to a bunch of homeless people, sitting in alleyways such as yours, or on the sidewalks of the main street. They also pass you, and as you keep your head low, afraid to make eye contact, they give you too something to eat, which you are thankful for. As well as you'd eaten, thanks to Tommy and Tubbo, you'd still found yourself growing hungrier. Thanks to them, you can now silence it again.

It now being your turn to roam the streets of this city, eventually finding the familiar sight of the Thames. You continue walking and walking, a few horses and carriages unexpectedly passing you as you look around in fascination. London in the troubling times of the Victorian era: where the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. When factory owners too climbed the ladder of the hierarchy becoming one with the higher class, much to the dislike of those nobles. When the middle class came to exist.

The Industrial Revolution and its many consequences. That explains the sight of the problematic conditions of those people. Those were simple workers.

During your stroll, of which only the sound of the Big Ben, carried by the wind, could tell you the duration, you pass the occasional rogue and prostitute, sometimes either approaching you or avoiding you instead. You're lost in what to do. You're looking for a second chance with the gemstone, but how were you supposed to find that here? Would you have to travel elsewhere? Considering this was in a place of which you knew the place on the map, it couldn't be that the device just so happened to bring you to the same location of where the gemstone should be, right? Or is there something else you don't know?

God, I do hope it's in London already. The sun never sets on the British Empire and I am not looking towards exploring all its regions.

After a while of wandering, you find yourself more in the Western parts of London. The houses have improved beautifully, and it's not something you can ignore. Continuing to admire and explode internally, you're oblivious to the carriage stopping right next to where you're standing, looking around once again. That is, until you hear your name.

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