A Hostage Situation

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It was the day of the second task.

Draco woke up at 5:30am, and he was desperate to talk to someone about it.

Well, not just someone. He only wanted to speak to Harry, really.

But Harry, unfortunately, was a Gryffindor, and was probably currently fast asleep up in Gryffindor Tower.

Draco was at the point where he needed friends to talk to, but nobody in Slytherin was awake. He wondered briefly, if maybe Harry was just as anxious as he was, and was awake thinking about the impending task just like him. It would certainly make sense, and Draco sort of wished that was the case- it would be rather embarrassing if he was more worried about Harry than Harry himself.

Although, he supposed, it was only natural. Friends worry about each other.

And that is what they were. Friends.

Draco had gotten ready quickly.

Uniform was not required, so he'd dressed in a stylish pair of neat charcoal chinos and a black button up shirt. Classy, but simple.

He didn't want to look too stuck-up, so he hastily rolled the sleeves of the shirt to his elbows, exposing his forearms. Merlin, was it nice to see them bare; free from the hideous brand which had ruined his life the past two years.

He had smoothed his hair with a comb, but due to his frantic hands messing it up, it was rumpled again.

Whatever, Draco thought, It's not as if I'm the one doing the task, nobody will be looking at me.

With that, he snatched his knee-length black coat, shrugging it on and resigning himself to his wakefulness. There was no chance of getting back to sleep now, he might as well go for a walk.

Draco set out through the magical wall of the Slytherin Common Room, hugging the folds of his coat close to his body. It fit like a cloak, long and warm, yet it was a muggle fashion - it was this that made Draco buy it in the summer - he knew Lucius would hate it if he'd seen it.

The dungeons were always cooler than the rest of the castle, but in the crisp February morning, the cold was almost biting when out of range of the warming charms over the Common Room and dormitories.

Despite the cold, Draco was glad he'd left the stuffy Common Room. The chilly air was grounding, and Draco gulped in deep breaths to calm his spiked nerves.

As he walked along the hallways, ascending to the higher levels of the Castle and drinking in the peaceful tranquility of the early hours of the morning, Draco finally felt himself relax.

Why was he worried? Harry would be fine. He'd done this before, for one, and he knew this time that he needn't retrieve both Weasley and the young Delacour girl. As well as this, Snape would be sure to provide him enough Gillyweed to stay under the water comfortably for the whole hour.

He would be fine.

It was at that moment, that a figure rounded the corner at the end of the corridor.

McGonagall, Draco noticed.

He smiled benignly at her, finally feeling comfortable that nothing would go wrong today, when she caught sight of him and began to speed up.

Draco stopped, frowning. McGonagall grew nearer, stopping directly in front of him.

"Mr Malfoy, glad I have caught you. I was just coming to retrieve you from your dormitory now."

Draco stared at her.


McGonagall raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Draco quickly caught himself.

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