Does He Like Me? Part 1

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Justin and Darren

High School AU

Darren Liang. A beautiful creature made by god himself.

"Wait I shouldn't say that, I'm being weird" Justin thought to himself while watching Darren from the other side of the hallway.

Justin had a crush on him for a very long time. So long he's forgotten when he first liked him. He had beautiful long silver hair and the most beautiful brown eyes he's ever seen.

He wishes he could just at least hold his hand. While also kissing him. Kissing turns sloppy and sloppy kissing turns into neck biting and removing clothes and getting pinned up a wall and-


Justin jumped and turns to see Ryan who was right next to him "Oh my- Jesus fuck Ryan. Why did you sneak up on me?"

Ryan raises an eyebrow "I didn't? I was standing here for like forever and you didn't say a thing" he turns his head to look in the direction Justin was facing "What got you so distracted my boy?" Ryan asked trying to see what he was looking at.

Justin's face turned red and closed his locker "Nobody. Now what do you want?" He started walking away and Ryan flipped his head around and walks with him.

"Nobody? You were staring at someone? Ooohhhh who was it?" Ryan squealed a bit.

"No one man. It's not any of your business" Justin kept his head up heading to class "And even if it was there would be no possible way you'll be able to-"

"Were you staring at Darren?" Ryan asked

Justin froze in his place and his eyes widen as he smiles nervously

Ryan mouth drops and points in Justin's face "You were! You were staring at Darren! Wait wait do you like Darren?" Ryan asked already knowing the answer.

Justin snapped back to reality and shook his head while looking down "NoIdont" he said it very quickly "I have to get to class" he starts walking quickly and Ryan raced ahead of him and started walking backwards to Justin's class.

"Oh my god you do! You like Darren! Wait tell me everything dude! Why? How long? Does he like you back? Do you plan on talking to him?" He gasp "Have you ever talked to him? What is it that makes him-"

Justin stops along with Ryan "Oh my god Ryan stop! You're asking way too many questions." Justin got frustrated and walked again and Ryan joined him on his left side.

"But bro you like someone finally! And it's on a guy! You needed a guy crush since your ex dumped you for whatever reason"

They reached to Justin's class and stop on the side of the door "I dumped her, remember? She was cheating on me with another guy"

"Oh right. Sorry man" Ryan apologized

"It's no problem" Justin shrugged

Darren walks by them "Hey Ryan! Justin~" Darren said Justin's name differently before walking into the classroom and Ryan made this face "😮" while looking at Justin all cheekily.

"Ohhhhh you heard that? The way he said your name! Oh dude he likes you for real for real!" Ryan was giddy.

Justin was shaking his head and tried to deflect the accusations Ryan was making about Darren's comment "No no no that isn't true. He just-"

"Ah ah ah don't do that. Don't self sabotage yourself! He does like you! Or else he wouldn't have said your name like that like he did with mine" Ryan was trying really hard to convince Justin that Darren likes him.

Justin thought for a bit. From all their interactions, Darren has been showing interest in Justin in ways more than he did with other people. When he was with his friends he was very loud and open and rowdy but with him he was sentimental and quiet and gentle.

When he was with others he would be very touchy in a friendly way and very aggressively but with him he would ask to touch his shoulder or his hand which Justin always said yes to. He was super soft when he's with Justin.

Maybe Ryan was right. Maybe there's a possibility that Darren does like him back.

"Ok well even if that's true, how would I ask him. Because you don't just go up to someone and ask "Hey do you like me?" That's so needy and weird" Justin told to Ryan after thinking.

Ryan pushes his hair out his eyes "Ok well how about this. We get one of our friends (or me) to talk to him. Ask about some things and maybe even ask about you?" Ryan suggested.

Justin shook his head and waved his finger to Ryan "Mm mm, mm mm, you of all people shouldn't. You'd make it too obvious that I like him."

Ryan looked offended

"We need someone who's discreet enough and won't make it so obvious." Justin pondered going through his friend's list.

Sebastian would joke too much with him making Darren dodge the question all together.

Regie's too straightforward. Definitely wouldn't go with him.

Oliver can't handle a big secret like this. He'd get too stressed out and blurt out to Darren that Justin liked him.

Ryan would ask him straight away if Darren liked someone. And honestly it's good not to use him anyways because Darren would flirt with Ryan.

Everyone flirts with Ryan. But he's taken by Sebastian obviously

(Had to get Sebryan in there of course but let's keep going)

Maybe Kane is the best option. Granted, he's not the best with keeping things on the low. You always know something is up with him but you don't know what it is.

"Let's try Kane. He's one of the decent ones to ask him about if he likes me" Justin suggests to Ryan.

Ryan gasps and points to Justin "You're right. We can ask him to do it next bell! Him and Darren has a free class!"

Justin smiled "You're right! Ok I'll text Kane when I get inside the room and you keep this to yourself Ryan!"

Ryan chuckles and nods "Alright, alright I will"

"Ryan!" Justin said in a stern tone.

"I said I will damn bro. Get inside!" He pointed to the classroom.

Justin walked in and Ryan walked away.

Justin sat in his seat which was right in front of Darren's. (How perfect)

Darren tapped on his shoulder and Justin turned to face him "Hey, what took you so long to get inside? I was waiting for you cutie~"

Justin smiled and blushed "Oh I was talking to Ryan. We were talking about where to go after class."

Darren gave a nod "Mm." He was about to place his hand on Justin's but he asked "Can I lay my hand on yours?"

Justin chuckled and nodded "Yes you can"

Darren places his hand on Justin's "You know I've never told you this but your smile is very pretty" He tilted his head while looking in his eyes.

"Oh my god" Justin's smile got wider and he covered it and turned around.

"I hope this plan works and he does like me back because that comment can't just be friendly" Justin thought to himself.

to be continued...

Honestly I really like this shot and I'm debating on making this a full story. What do you guys think?

1221 Words

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