The Bus (1/4)

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I had been looking forwards to this day for months, but now I didn't think it was possible to dread anything more.

I steadied myself, breathing deeply as I got on the bus, and trying to ignore the padding on my butt when I sat down. It would be ok, I was just being paranoid. No one would notice a thing. I had been going to school like this for nearly a month now, and so far no one had discovered the–

"Hey Potty Pants."


Don slid into the seat next to me, a malicious grin shining on his face.

"What are you–?"

"What? I can't sit next to my favorite bedwetter?"

I could feel my face flush.

"Don't say that! Someone might hear you!" I hissed.

"Oh thats right, no one else knows about your little... issue don't they?" He tugged down the waist of my joggers, revealing the fluffy hip of my diaper.

This all began when I started wetting the bed several weeks back. My mom, being a hippie and devoid of all apparent reasoning, figured that it was her teenage son's way of communicating what his body needed. Apparently, what I needed was painfully excessive babying.

She started picking out my clothes, talking to me like a toddler, and worst of all, she forced me into diapers. I'm not even allowed to use the toilet anymore. However, this would all have been forgivable if it had stayed there. But no.

One more thing I was now incapable of doing was staying home by myself, meaning when mom went out, I needed a babysitter. And that was where the ever popular Donovan Lee entered, and decided to make my life a living hell.

Before, I had been able to sneak using the bathroom at least during school, but Don only ever delighted in my... less fortunate situation. There's been no escape since he entered the picture.

I tugged my waistband back up.

"Why are you even here?" I asked. "And can't you move? I'm supposed to be sitting with Dylan."

More students were starting to fill the bus now. It was only a matter of time before my only real friend boarded, and I'd rather be sitting next to him on the long ride to the zoo, no matter how admittedly handsome Don was. Seeing as no one else knew of my little secret, Don's newfound delight in my presence has been baffling for others to say the least. Not that he cared.

In response, Don just slumped down in the seat, getting comfortable.

"No can do pipsqueak, I've got to keep my eye on you. You know, in case the baby boy has another accident."

My cheeks got even hotter. "Would you stop that?"

"Stop what? Oh look your friend's here."

I turned just in time to see Dylan entering the bus. His eyes landed on me, then quickly confusion at who I was sitting next to.

I wanted to do something, say I was sorry, tell him it wasn't my fault Don was such a prick. But just as fast he shrugged and sat in a seat near the front. Apparently, with someone he knew, seeing as how they smiled and began to joke with each other. An unexpected stab of jealousy went through me.

The bus gave a lurch, and one of our teachers who was streamlining this expedition, stood up to talk to us about behavioral expectations and the like for our trip to the zoo.

I felt a prod against my side, and fingers on the waist of my pants.


"Don't be such a baby," Don whispered. "Let's not make this harder than it has to be."

I wanted to yell at him, shove him, handsomeness be damned he was a prick. But that would cause too much of a scene, so like a surrendering toddler I allowed him to move me and pull back the top of my diaper.

This bastard is giving me a diaper check, I realized, much to my humiliation. Like an actual baby.

"Good job Toby, all clean for now." He said, and patted my bum, a smug smile stretched over his lips, brining out his dimples. "Now, I have a job for you."

He opened up his backpack, angling his body so that I couldn't see the rest of what was inside.

This was bad. A job from Don could only mean more embarrassment. When he finally pulled out the object, to my dismay, I found I couldn't have been more right.

"Im not drinking out of that thing."

"Oh yes you are." He shoved pink sippy-cup into my hands. "Or else."

"Or else what? What could you possibly even do to me anymore Don."

"Do you want to find out?" His eyes were intense. Serious.

I tried to hold his gaze, stand strong and defiant, but in the end I found my eyes staring out the window, drinking from the babyish container of apple juice in my hands.

Beside me, Don smirked.

"Atta boy."

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