Seven | Parker

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I LOVED MOVIE NIGHTS WITH XANDER, THEY WERE A weekly tradition since forever and they were exclusively just for Xander and I

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I LOVED MOVIE NIGHTS WITH XANDER, THEY WERE A weekly tradition since forever and they were exclusively just for Xander and I. That's what I thought, anyway. But tonight, as I walk into the communal lounge room at nine in the evening, our usual time to hang and watch horrors together, I'm surprised to see not only Olive sprawled out over the couch in her pjs, but Jack as well, wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

He was slouched in the sofa cushions, his hoodie raised enough so that I could see some of his toned hips. I hated myself for it, but my mind immediately went to the gutter, and I wondered what it would be like to touch his toned stomach and hips and back and arms and maybe just all of it, but naked.

My cheeks flush an awful bright red, and he definitely notices but decides to stay in characteristically quiet about it.

"Oh, hey, Parks!" Olive beams before stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth. "What do you think of The Shining."

"Nooo," Xander and Jack whine at the same time, before both breaking out into a fit of laughter. Okay, what is going on?

"Did I miss something?" I ask, looking between both boys with suspicion.

"Jack and I hung out most of yesterday," Xander explained with a shrug.

"Yeah," Jack agrees, stealing some of Olive's popcorn. "He's actually pretty cool, knows a bunch about football, we're now besties, sorry, Parker."

"Wait," I snap, mouth dropping open and frown settling on my features as my eyebrows knot together. "Is that why you pretended I didn't exist yesterday? Because you were with Xander?"

"Could be," he smirked, right at me.

I shake my head in disbelief. "I had a panic attack for nothing."

"Wait, what?" Jack snapped, frowning all of a sudden. "That's why you had a panic attack? Because you hadn't heard from me all day?"

"Parker's dramatic like that," Xander chuckled, pushing my head playfully into the cushions.

I recover quickly, turning to Jack with my heart in my throat, trying to gauge his reaction. I surprised to find that he's just staring at me, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips turned down in a tiny pout.

"What?" I ask, smirking to try and hide how I really feel, which is flustered.

"Nothing," he mumbles, shaking his head and placing a pretzel in his mouth.

I squint at him. "Are those nibblers?"

I watch Jack go through at least three emotions as he decides whether or not he's going to tell me if they are or not, even though I can clearly tell. He blushes bright pink, feeling like an absolute child for eating such a ridiculously named confectionary.

He turns to me with a raised eyebrow. "So what if they are?"

I try to suppress a giggle, but fail, and suddenly I'm blushing too, trying not to watch Jack as he places multiple Nibblers on his tongue.

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