fulis first Christmas (2023)

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(IFE universe, book 2)
Dalton pov
As Christmas grows closer, the weather cools, and patrol gets easy. It's great, but as we hang out in the lair one day, I say, "We should do something for Christmas." Fuli says, "What's Christmas?" Me and Bunga look at her like she's crazy and he says, "Only the best day of the year!" Fuli laughs and says, "What's so special about it." I say, "It's a day for giving and spending time with family." Fuli says, "I've never heard of it." Ono says, "Really, it's pretty big here, common knowledge, really." Fuli says, "We don't really celebrate holidays in the cheetah kingdom." I say, "Well, we'll make this one you're best." Fuli says, "Doesn't have much competition right now." I say, "Already the best yet." She smiles, and Kion says, "We usually have a party on Christmas in the morning, then everyone does stuff with their families it's an easy day." Fuli says, "Sounds nice, but other than y'all, I don't have anyone to celebrate with, and I assume you'll be doing stuff." I say, "You can probably be with my family. We'll have a few friends and more distant members, but I'm sure my Ma would love to have you." She smiles and says,"Okay." She blushes slightly from the attention, so I say, 'You good Fuls." She says, "Yeah, y'all are just great friends." Everyone smiles, and I hug her, saying, "Thanks, we'll always help." She smiles and nuzzles me, I say, "I gotta go ask Ma you want to come?" She says,"Sure." So we leave.
When we get there, Ma's resting, so I shake her a little to wake her up. When she sees she yawns and says, "Dalton, Fuli, what's up?" I say, "We were wondering if Fuli could spend Christmas with us." She says, "Yeah, of course, you're family now." Fuli smiles and says, "Thanks, Kay."
That's when Hannah says, "Fuli!" Fuli says, "Hey Han." They hug and talk for a minute while Me and Ma talk about the party.
* Time skip 1 week*
Christmas finally arrived, and I volunteered to give a small speech to kinda explain everything as we have a few new cheetahs.
At the party, I step up to the stage and say, "Hey yall, how ya doin'?"" I'm Dalton Rose. If you didn't know." I take a breath before saying, "I'm here cause we have a few new pridelanders who haven't celebrated Christmas, so Simba asked me to explain some traditions, so we always have plenty of games, food, drinks, etc... so get drinks, hang out, eat, have fun. It's my job to kind of explain all this so if I can have just a few minutes." I wait a minute for everyone to settle down then I say, "So Christmas in the pridelands is a time to spend with family especially Family you haven't seen in a while. Most families have parties and celebrate for the day." I look down at the crowd who clearly have a few questions, so I say, "I bet some of you are wondering where this tradition came from, so I'll explain that... at the beginning of time, it was chaos. Animals had no kingdoms, but eventually, a God was born. Well, almost. Siwa was a lioness who brought together the lions, Cheetahs, prey. And others and created the first major kingdom, later named the pridelands, though many others were born from it. Sawi was born December 25th, Christmas." As I look among the crowd, they look a lot less confused, so I say, "Alright, we have 1 tradition we always do, and I thought we would have a new-comer do it." I see kion smile widely as I say this, and Fuli looked slightly annoyed as I say. "We always have someone nosing a song to start the celebration, come on fuls." She sighs and walks over to me. I smile as she playfully punches me, I hand her a paper and back up to my guitar.
*I don't have a song ready, so just imagine something*
She looks nervous, but the beat starts, and she sings very well. When she finishes, she blushes and gets resounding applause.  She smiles and looks over to me, I say into the microphone, "Well, how bout Dat, Fuli everybody, *More aplause* Alright, So this party is an all day thing, but I won't be here much longer, so feel free to party all day." I step down from the stage with Fuli. We then walk to my parents' party.
*Time skip 5 minutes*
At the party it's mainly my family but Fuli is welcome because everyone knows her whether they met her, or heard of her. Other than my direct family, there's Shujaa, my cousin, and his dad Soloman.
When we first arrive, I say, "Hey guys, we're here." Soloman says, "Hey bud, this must be Fuli." Fuli says, "Yeah, that's me." He says, 'You got lucky with her Dalton she's pretty." Ma says, "Soloman don't make her uncomfortable." She says, 'No, it's okay, and thank you." Shujaa says, "What's up, D." And daps me up. I say, "Not much recently." Dad says, "Well, why don't yall come sit, and we can talk." We all sit down around a table like rock and have drinks and talk. Immediately, Soloman says, "So did you pop the question D?" I blush and say, "Yeah, actually just a few weeks ago." He says, Great *Looks at Fuli*, Hey, he's a good one he'll treat you right." She smiles and says, "I hope so." And moves closer to me. I say, "If I ever don't slap me." Everyone laughs, and we continue to talk and drink for most of the night until we walk back over to the main event to hang out for a while.
We walk around and talk with the guard for a bit until bunga climbs a tree and hangs mistletoe over us. Fuli asks, "Why is bunga above us." I say. "You're supposed to kiss if you're under mistletoe." She laughs and says,"Come here, you buffoon."
We kiss for a minute until something cold falls on my back, and I look up to see snow. Fuli looks up and laughs, and then we look around and see cubs playing in it. I say, "Best Christmas ever?" She says, "Best Christmas ever."

Hey guys, jedi here, and I wrote this all in 2 days (Finished today the 24th) It was stressful cause I wanted to do this but never had time and all day I've been like, I gotta get this done but I hung out with the family and still finished. So anyways have a good day/Night jedi out!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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