A Relationship Based on a Lie

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(Two lifelong friends fall in love after faking a relationship)
Italics- Kaleb
Bold- Darren
Italics & Bold- Both

'How did you guys get together anyway?'
That was the question we were always asked.

And now we sit down together explaining this to the world.

You see me and Darren were best friends since grade 2, when he saved me from what I had called my "friends" at the time. But as I've aged, I've come to know that they were never actually my friends, just bullies.

To me, this was evident from day one. I had a lot of people try to use me in the past, so I knew this from experience, and I, despite my young age at the time, was sure about it.

They had been trying to convince me to do some pretty awful things, and when I'd refuse, they'd retaliate against me.

It started off with name calling, and then later on it turned into physical bullying.

You know, the kind where they would punch you mercilessly until you were nothing but a bruised and bloody body lying onto the ground.

You act like it's normal Kaleb, it's not. Nobody deserves to go through that, especially you my angel.

Darren clings onto Kaleb, resting his head on the other boy's shoulder.

Well, it's okay as you just happened to come along, and scared them off for me; people were afraid of him as he was the son of the principle.

They'd think things like:
'Don't go near him, if you upset him you'll be expelled.'
'He's a snitch! A little daddies boy!'
'He's probably spoiled, let's just leave him alone.'

And they did.

Nobody would ever hangout around him, and they would all avoid him if he ever came near them.

He was always a loner, and sometimes when I'd pass by empty classes I'd hear the cries of the lonely little boy, only wanting someone to play with him.

It wasn't until this day that I had actually seen him up close.

He'd reached out his hand for mine, and pulled me off of the ground. "Let's get you to the nurse." Darren helped me over there, and waited as I was treated.

Then when the nurse had left he finally spoke to me once again, "You didn't run away, why?" You could see the tears on the brink of falling from his eyes.I smiled at him,
"You're a hero, nobody ever runs away from a hero!"

He was in a huge superhero phase, it was adorable and it made me later want to become his friend. He seemed like a great person to little me, and he is.

Thank you Darren, but how does this relate to our story exactly?

It does! Just be patient my dear.

Ahem, anyways, from that day on I made it my mission to become his friend. Everyday in all of our classes, I'd wait for him, recesses, I'd wait for him, I'd wait to talk to him every chance I got.

And he did succeed.

Everyday I'd talk to him when he'd wait for me, and I'm grateful I did. We became great friends, and it stayed that way. I always remained grateful for our friendship, even if every other kid was avoiding us now, due to Darren's father's title.

Awww, I'm grateful for it too Kaleb.

Now, let me continue a bit of this story for you, Kaleb over here is running out of breath.

As we approached high school, it was normal for everyone to be in relationships. We managed to make more friends, as my father was no longer a principal at our school, and they had all had their own girlfriends and boyfriends of sorts.

You probably know how people are; they bully and tease the 'abnormal' and we just happen to be this 'abnormal' standard for all of them. We'd be teased in all sorts of ways, but the worst part is when Kaleb would come home to his parents.

You say that like they abused me.

They basically did.

Now I'll agree, it wasn't physical, rather emotional and mentally. His parents would constantly pressure him to finally get into a relationship, to 'uphold' the family standards; getting married to your 'soulmate', that being your first ever love or relationship.

So when I'd first heard about this, I decided I'd pretend to be his boyfriend, to protect the both of us.

You say that, although I'm sure you had some other reason.

I guess we'll never know.

Okay, let's give you a break now, it's my turn to continue this story.

The day I had told them, they decided to set up dinners with all of us, although they'd already known Darren anyways, they said it was to 'introduce him to the family' and to 'get to know him better'. So we'd have dinners together almost every Friday.

We'd put up this act at school as well.

All of our friends congratulated us, and we went on dates with them too. We'd basically always be together, pretending to date.

So it seemed almost natural right?

I remember it like it was yesterday.

Well it wasn't yesterday Darren, it was ten years ago. On Valentine's day of our 3rd year of high school he got on one knee with a ring pop and confessed his true feelings to me, feelings I had actually been feeling for him for a while at that point.

It may seem silly, but we were happy, and from then on we were actually together.

We had continued dating each other until we were both 22, meaning we had dated for 6 years at this point.

I took him to a special date, a restaurant close to where we had our first date. I sat him down we had a nice dinner, and at the end I took him to go see the fireworks.

Kaleb sniffled, as he was crying just a little bit, reliving the memories from that night.

Darren sat him on his lap and brought his head to cuddle into his chest.

Fireworks are one of his favourite things, so I thought it would be perfect. After the performance, I got one knee and proposed.

-With a real ring this time, In case you were wondering.

Kaleb laughed a little and gave Darren a kiss on the cheek.

It was one of the best days of my life.

After, obviously, accepting Darren's proposal twice now, we spent the rest of the night cuddling and covering each other in loads of kisses and love.

I'd never been happier, if I am being honest.

Darren looked into Kaleb's eyes and gave him an ever-so-loving kiss.

Our wedding was wonderful.

Kaleb's family had improved a lot since their past actions and words towards him, so they had come to support us, along with my family, and our friends.

A few years after this ceremony, at the age of 25 we had decided to finally adopt children together.

Identical twins, both at the age of 2 years old.

They're both wonderful. They've grown into such kind boys. I just love them both so much, and Darren is such a great father to them.

And you're such a great Papa my love.

They're 5 years old now, starting the second grade.

And who knows maybe they'll find their first love, and continue the cycle for us.

Kaleb laughs.

Yeah, like that will ever happen!

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