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Semi's/3rd Pov:

Ughh I hate everything..! Semi thought as he was still laid down on his bed. Why'd I have to get sick now.. Semi, feeling tired and dead, fell back asleep. After checking the time and notifying the coach that he wasn't gonna be there.

♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡ ↧

Groupchat 💬

Guest monster 👹: Yo semi where are you??
Guest monster 👹: Practice is about to start?? You know I can't handle Tanji Washijō!! _

Kenji<3 : What tendou said where are you??

Ushijima! : Tendou and Shirabu are right where are you?

Carrot 🥕: Shira is not gonna be able to live without you at practice bro ☠️

Kenji<3 : Shut up, Tai i most certainly can live without him for a few 🙄

Carrot 🥕: That's a damn lie and you know it 🫥

Kenji<3 : Go kys 😍

Carrot 🥕: Was already planning on it ❤️

Yamagata : You two really need to stop fighting

Carrot 🥕: no

Kenji<3 : no


"GET BACK TO PRACTICE EVERYONE! BEFORE I GIVE YOU EXTRA LAPS," Tangji Washijō had said. "Yes sir," everyone said. Tangji Washijō says "Semi Eita won't be able to be here, he got sick." Everyone looked at him with relief, especially Shirabu considering they are dating. *Sigh* this is gonna be a long day without him, Shirabu thought as it was now the end of practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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Semishira fluff✨ PT // 1 - ?? // sick semi Where stories live. Discover now