Chapter 26- Guilty

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"Good morning officer, please have a seat" Mukti offered to the policeman. "What would you like to have sir?" she asked him and Dr. Shrivastav came there. "Good morning inspector, I'm Dr. Shrivastav" Raman introduced himself. They talked for a while and Mukti asked a ward boy to call Nandini. She came there within no time as soon as she came to know that police came for interrogation. Manik saw Nandini going to Mukti's cabin and was curious to know what's going on. He entered Mukti's cabin along with Nandini. "Good morning sir" Nandini wished Raman. "Inspector, this is Dr. Nandini, I told you about her on phone and this is Dr. Manik" they both greet the policeman.

"Dr. Nandini, are there any disputes between you and Dr. Alya?" police asked her. "Not major but Dr. Alya always interferes with me" she says. "Dr. Shrivasav said that you are her local guardian, since how long you know Dr. Alya?" police asked Manik. "Dr. Alya was my junior since house surgency and we were in same medical college too, later she moved to New York, she has a sister who lives there. She is also a family friend so I have signed as her guardian as her sister is not here" he replied. "Did you see Dr. Nandini pushing Dr. Alya?" police asked Manik. "I think Nandini has pushed Alya by mistake" Manik said looking at Nandini. "You think! but we need proof to file a case" police continued, "yesterday Dr. Shrivastav said that you said no but now you think that it might be an accident and Dr. Nandini herself accepting that she and Dr. Alya are not on good terms, all this proves that Dr. Nandini did it" police cleared his point. "Yes inspector, I came running to see that Nandini pushed Alya and Dr. Manik also came from the other side, not only us everyone who was there saw that" Mukti said.

"But zaruri nahi hai ki aap sab jo dekhe wo sahi ho" Nandini talked as Mukti stopped. "Who are you trying to fool Nandini, are you saying that we are framing you in this?" Mukti asked her. "But ma'am ye prove karne ke liye aap ke paas koi saboot hai?" Nandini questioned. "So do you have any proof?" police asked her. "Yes" Manik looked at Nandini. "This is Alya's phone, her camera was on when we met yesterday, see the photos, I got the data retrieved" she said. Police saw the photos and the recent photo was taken at the common room but the photo is twisted and was taken when she fell down. "Isme tho kuch dikh nahi raha hai na" police asked and forwarded phone to Manik. "Yeah there's nothing and how can this be a proof" Manik asked Nandini. "Alya ka phone neeche gir gaya tha, she slipped after taking phone, that was when I tried to hold her but unfortunately I was framed as if I pushed her" Nandini explained. Just then Cabir entered in. "Sir, Alya ko hosh aaya hai" he said. "That's great, we will go to her, her statement is important in this case" police said but Nandini stopped them. "Sir, please give me a last chance to prove my innocence" Nandini pleaded him. "Dr. Nandini you can't go and talk to Alya like that, she might be in trauma and we don't know how she will react" Manik interrupted her. This caused immense pain to Nandini as she didn't expect Manik to say that. She literally hated the fact that everyone believed that she pushed Alya.

"Don't worry sir, I promise I won't hurt her" she said with a shaken voice to Manik. He couldn't meet her eyes while she talked, one can make out how hurt Nandini is looking at her. Police agreed to her and they went. She asked everyone to be outside the ward and asked police to come along with her. "Hi Dr. Alya" police greeted her. "Dr. Alya, how are you feeling now" Nandini asked Alya with an extra sugar coated voice. "Better, but why are you here and ye police yaha kyu aaya hai?" she asked Nandini.

"You fell down yesterday and everyone believes Dr. Manik has pushed you as he was the only one in front of you when you fell down" Nandini lied to her. "What! why would Manik do that? No he didn't push me sir, and Nandini tum bhi wahi thi na, didn't you see that I fell down myself and Manik didn't push me, then why all this?" Alya panicked hearing that Manik is being framed. "Are you sure Dr. Alya that no one pushed you and it was just an accident" police asked to confirm. "Yes I'm 100% sure no one pushed me" she said. "Thank you" he said and left along with Nandini.

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