Chapter 53

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The photoshoot never resumed after Tawny left the living room.

Which was fine; Professor McCurdy was able to get enough photos to satisfy Rebecca, so thankfully it was not necessary for her to return.

Once again, Tawny's dreams were fitful, her mind racing. She thought about the photoshoot, yes, but also of a moment during the brainstorming session at Westinghouse Manor.


They were all gathered around a room with a whiteboard - Sarah, Tawny, Maddie, Audrey, and Dylan. Sarah stood beside the board, dry-erase marker at the ready for the next big idea.

"Okay, so invitation cards," said Sarah. "What else you got for me?"

Maddie raised her hand. "How about of gift? Just a token that says 'Thank you for being here'?"

"Good one, Mads," Audrey said. Tawny noticed that Maddie started to blush at the compliment.

Dylan scoffed. "Ridiculous. What are we supposed to do, get my father a gift basket? What a dumb suggestion."

"It's not dumb," shot back Audrey. "It's thoughtful and conscientious. But excuse me for assuming those were traits present in the Dylan Westinghouse repertoire."

"Watch it...." said Dylan, balling his fist in threat.

"Let's try to keep the discussion on topic, OK?" cautioned Sarah.

"I'm just saying," said Dylan, "What could you possibly get for the man who could literally afford anything?"

"It's not about the monetary value," explained Tawny. "It's about the intent. The thought and meaning behind the gift. It's about something that truly grabs hold of the heart."

"That was beautiful, Tawny," said Maddie.

"Yeah, you're a poet and you didn't even know it," quipped Audrey.

"I'm serious, you guys!" said Tawny. "The man who has or can have anything must truly be lacking with what's inside, with what truly matters. That's why he tries to fill it with other things. But if you can find that one gift, that one special will fill the hole in his heart that maybe he didn't even realize he had."

"Hole in his heart..." murmured Dylan. He began chewing on the nail of his thumb and fell silent.

"Good points," said Sarah. "Interesting points to mull over. Moving on..."


But Tawny couldn't move on. The emotions that welled up inside her were brought up by simple imagery, and she wished to pursue it further.

Sunday mornings were considered a rest period for the Dylantante, a respite from the continuous toil and grind. But rather than relax during her free time, Tawny was in an investigative mode.

She eschewed the pleasantries as she approached the Westinghouse table for breakfast. "I'm going to spend the day with my friend Maddie. Can you drop me off, please?"

Rebecca was gracious enough to drop her off at Ivoree Gates. In actuality, Tawny created the trip as an excuse to go library. When she went to open the door, she found it was locked shut.

"What?" Tawny peered through the window to the interior of the library, which was dark. It was then that she noticed the Operation Hours posted on the doors.

Monday - Saturday: 5:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Sunday: CLOSED

Of all the rotten luck! As Tawny turned around and contemplated going to see her friend after all, she heard the door lock jiggle. The door opened a crack, and Linda the librarian peered out from inside.

"Yes?" asked Linda. "We're closed today."

"Sorry," said Tawny. "I just read the sign and--"

"Oh TAWNY!" Recognition registered on the middle-aged woman's face and she pulled the door wide open. "Sorry, I didn't realize it was you. Of course you can come in!"

"But the library's closed..." Tawny said.

Linda waved her off. "Yes, it's usually my administrative day, but I'm still here. Most students don't bother to come anyway. I know I can trust you. Please, come inside!"

She ushered Tawny in and flicked a nearby switch so that the space was awash with light.

"Thank you for trusting me," Tawny said. "I didn't mean to impose..."

"Oh, not at all," said Linda. "Besides, how can I say no to the Dylan-Whisperer?"

The Dylan-Whisperer? Beats being called peasant girl or poverty consultant, Tawny supposed.

"So what can I do for you?" asked Linda. "Was there something you wanted me to find?"

"Actually, since you brought up Dylan..." Tawny pulled out her phone and brought up the image of the Westinghouses at the cemetery. "I was hoping you could help me locate the magazine issue where this photo had taken place."

Linda took the phone from Tawny and studied the screen for a few seconds. "Ohh...that will be quite a challenge. I remember when it had first came out. It was a Limited Edition Issue, so it flew off the shelves. There's not many loose copies floating around, and if there are they go for ridiculous prices online. Like, down payment on a house type of prices."

Tawny's face fell. "So it's impossible?"

Linda looked at Tawny and winked. "Nothing's impossible. I could use a good challenge. Leave it to me, I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, Linda," Tawny said.

"My pleasure," said Linda."Now I can't believe I'm saying this, but go on out and have fun! Unless you're a librarian, no one should be cooped up in a library on a Sunday!"

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