The curves

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Jk and Yyn went to his house.

Jk and Yyn went to his house

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Jk' house

Jk' house

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His room

The doctor has come to examine yn as she has not regained consciousness.

dr: There is nothing else wrong with yn.
Drug to lose consciousness has been injected 2 times.

dr: She's tired of it.
Not only that, but it seems she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.

jk: How long will it take for her to regain consciousness?
Dr: It will take a few more hours to regain consciousness.

dr: As soon as she is conscious, she should be given any food and then this medicine.
Any light food is more than enough.

Doctor get out of the room.

Yn is still in that dress.
So jk decided to change her dress.

So jk took her and went to the bathroom.

So jk took her and went to the bathroom

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He put her in the bathtub.
He started removing her entire dress.

By half past.

jk pov
Oh my god I wonder if I'm losing control.

So he left her there.
Then he went out and came back blindfolded.

author pov
What's the point of being blindfolded? He could feel her.

He undressed her completely.
He could feel her soft body.

jk pouring water over her body.
He could feel her curves with his hands.

JK took a gulp.
If he continued to feel like this, he would lose control and he did everything quickly.

Intermittently yn was moaning.
JK dressed her and put her back on the bed.

JK came out of the room.
Said to a staff who happened to be there.

jk: I want all the details about yn.
Things from birth.

time skip.

In down stairs

There JK is sitting on a couch

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There JK is sitting on a couch.
A few people are sitting in front of him.

JK is talking about his business.

Then a maid who was there came and said something in JK's ear.

jk to those sitting there...
jk: I have another small matter to deal with.
I will come after that.

jk He got up immediately.
He went straight to his room.

There she was sitting with her legs stretched out.
A bowl and some food is placed next to her.

JK entered the room and closed the door.

jk: What's up my little princess.
I heard you won't eat anything.
jk: What, do you want me to come and feed you?

yn: who are you sir?
Why am I held here?

Jk walked to yn and sat on the bed and took the bowl of soup in his hand...

jk: I will tell you everything in detail.
You eat this first.

yn: No sir, I wouldn't take a single drop of this without knowing the reason.

JK grinded his teeth and said.
jk: Come on, I don't talk to anyone so patiently.
Don't test my patience.

jk took a spoonful of soup and handed it to yn.
But yn cut off her head.

jk grabbed yn's face.
He shouted and said.

jk: Disobedience is something I don't like very much.
If you don't eat this soup politely, I will stuff something else in your mouth.

She was very shattered.
Tears began to fall from her eyes.

JK controlled his anger.
He took the soup and handed it to yn.

She got scared and ate the whole soup with a sob.
As soon as she ate all the soup.
Jk got up from the bed and turned around.

jk: Even if you cry so much and make loud noises, no one will come to save you.

yn looked at jk with her red eyes.

jk: You cannot escape from my hand.
No matter where you try to escape, I will find you.

jk: If I catch you then the punishment you will get will be huge.

jk: ah and one more thing you should never call me sir... sir...
You can call me jk.

Jk: If not you can call me daddy.
I love to hear you call that.

Jk just turned his head and winked at yn.

Saying this, JK left the room.

yn put her head on her knees and started crying.

yn pov
No! I can't be a slave under him like this.

I have a long way to go.
with freedom

However, escape from here.

yn got up from the bed and went to the window and looked.
There is a view of the main entrance from there.

yn stayed there to note when jk would go out.


Something big is coming for yn.
Let's see.
Wait till the next part

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