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Yn gulped feeling his hot breath on her face being caged between him & book shelf

Yn:I've to go

She lowly Whispered looking deeply at her shoes

Eunwoo:what will I get in return to leave u

Yn moved her tongue on upper lips as her lips jolted out making a pout she started thinking

Yn:I can give u my ice-cream

The best thing she could give to anyone becuz her ice-creams r way more precious to her than her body organs


She look at him with wide eyes she always have fight with her brothers & sister on this topic & he is directly saying no

Yn:what u want

She finally decided to ask with an angry pout she just wanted to escape from there  now he rejected ice-cream her precious ice-cream she can't take this man

Yn's Pov

Is he even human how can I reject ice-cream let me get away then I'll take revenge by eating those in front of him then only he will realise what he actually said no to
Huhh idiot bad boy

Eunwoo:how about a kiss

Yn made a disgusting face when yoongi's words come into her mind she mentally facepalmed herself for not getting it before

She step on his foot which he wasn't ready for

That made him move away

Yn:that's for rejecting ice-cream

She cutely glared at him & left from there while he was confused

Eunwoo:wow she had no objection with kiss

He laughed to himself & walk out but some students saw him getting out & had the biggest shock of the world

:what were u doing in library

His one friend from earlier asked looking at him weirdly


He started walking away that made students to gossip about it

2:u sure na dude? u were in library

Eunwoo:for that girl sehun I want her every detail
Sehun:if u want go get it on your own here I'm dying single & u want me to help u get some girlfriend find me one before setting urs
Eunwoo:how about u try on her sister

:hey she is mine

They both look at the said boy

Eunwoo:sunghoon u ?



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