In hospital

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Yn was sleeping on bed but the Pikachu she always kept near her was on table & yn again started getting the nightmare

She shivered in sleep & started mumbling

Yn:pl-please Do-don't it hu-hurts

Sweat beads form on her forehead as she started panicking & crying in her sleep

With a loud scream she got up from sleep with a jurk & sat straight on bed the maid rushed to her room & find her all sweety while still being panicked

The maid gave her water which she was going to drink but remembering her father's words she throw away the glass refusing to drink or take anything

Maid:yn breath

All the thing maid said went into deaf ear as she wasn't responding to any of her thing

Maid tried her best to calm down yn but as if she herself was refusing for it
It had been long since she last get a panick attack

Yn bite her lips while tears were still making their ways out of her eyes

She closed her eyes & fainted down inducing maid to get worried the maid called the ambulance & took her to hospital

She informed Mr. Kim & bts too then lastly to Aera

Aera was the first one to reach there soon Mr. Kim & bts arrived too

& saw her from the glass standing outside of the room

Jin:what happened exactly
Maid:I don't know much but I head her scream & when I went to check she was panicking & lastly faint down

Doctor come out of the room

Doctor:who is the patient relative
Mr. Kim:I'm her father
Doctor:&what about her mother
Aera:she's not here
Doctor:single father
Mr. Kim:yes
Doctor:huff u should take care of kid as a mother too sometimes
Do u know she's not eating anything
Jin:we do
Doctor:still u all were being careless with her health her heart condition isn't good & I guess lack of nutrition isn't something that made her end up like this it must be something that hurts her emotionally

U should be carefull with the words u use in front of kids they r sensitive in nature & will leave a great impact on them

Taehyung:which kid r u talking about our sister is 18 years old
Doctor:physically but not mentally or I say emotionally
Does she behave like she's 18
Doctor:becuz she's emotionally very young & any word will effect her in both ways like scoldings & praises both will play different roles especially ignorance is what that hurts people more

So look after her & don't pressure her for something I guess
She faced something like this before too
Make sure next time it won't happen

Or u may loss her forever

Her last words made everyone present there gasp
Doctor left from there after telling them to visit after she get back her consciousness

They waited for long two hours & finally yn woke up & they all rushed in seeing a nurse helping her to sit
She look at them after hearing the sound & then looked down

She felt them approaching her but didn't move her eyes for once she started pulling out the invisible threads of the blanket that was covering her when Mr. Kim started speaking that made her flinch on hr spot
Seeing her like this Jin come forward & tried to hold her hand but she pulled it to her


Jin:yn angel
Yn:don't call me th-that
Le-leave m-me al-alone
Taehyung:bub what r u saying

The tears again started falling down from her face

But the door again got slammed open making yn to jump on her spot but she immediately got hugged by someone

Yn look at her side to see Eunwoo

She didn't dared to hug him seeing her brothers still there they saw her being calm again so they decided to leave as they don't want her to panick again

Just as they left yn immediately wrapped her hands around his torso & started crying

Eunwoo:shsh baby no more cry I'm here hmm ur eunwoo-shi is here & I won't let anything happen to u
Take breath with me let's mix our breath

Yn followed him & her crying dead down

Eunwoo:baby tell me what happened why r u here

Hearing him yn's eyes again got watery

Yn:dadda to-told me to di-die he he do-doesn't lo-love me an-anymore
But I lo-love him
Pl-please tell him to lo-love me I will do any-thing
I'll also le-leave fr-from th-there if h-he wa-wants

Eunwoo:shhh relax baby it's not good for ur health

After some seconds yn stopped crying & stayed in his embrace

After few minutes eunwoo heard cute snores & he looked down seeing her sleeping

He gently placed her down & tried to move away but found her holding his arm

Yn:don-don't le-leave ynie al-alone

He sat on the chair when doctor entered & eyed him suspiciously

Eunwoo:I'm her boyfriend

Doctor:did u perhaps cheat on her or something that she~
Eunwoo:I can never do that she's my life
Doctor:good for u or I can contact police

She started checking yn & left & BTS, Mr. Kim & Aera entered inside

Jimin:what u mean by u r her bf
Aera:he's the one who was behind yn
Jin:oh so u r the reason  of our sister's condition
Eunwoo:I'm not it's u all

Yn's sleep got disturbed she opened her eyes & saw her brothers

Mr. Kim:leave from here before she again woke up
Eunwoo:why so that u can again ask her to die
Mr. Kim:it's between me & her don't u dare to interfere

Yn gulp in fear & her hold tightened on his arm which he noticed & calm himself down he turned to her smile

Eunwoo:why did u woke up sleep baby

Yn looked at her brother & father then shook her head in no she sat straight again

Aera:yn lay down u should take rest

Yn look down without any reply

Eunwoo:baby do u want to sleep

Jin:eunwoo leave right now

Eunwoo wanted to argue but having yn by his side he didn't reacted & decided to leave but she grabbed his arm & spoke up

To Be Continued

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