The Next Chapter

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Mark and I had been dating for about 6 months now, and it was great! His friends knew about you, you met his family, and he met yours, everything was perfect! There was something I was a bit nervous about though...

He wanted to tell his fans. What would they think of me? What if they hate me? Are they gonna hate on my accounts? All of these thoughts rushed through my head as Mark started to set up the camera. once he was done, he came over to me and said

"Don't worry kitten, they will love you, and if they hate on you, they are just jealous, don't listen to them. You're amazing! I love you."

I looked up at him, smiled and said

"I love you too, you monkey-butt"

He laughed and started the camera while I stood off to the side and he said

"Helllooo everybody my name is Markiplier, and welcome. Today I am here with a rather special guest...MY GIRLFRIEND (Y/N)! Come say hello to the camera!"

I walked over, waved, and said a small 'hey guys.'

"She is a little nervous. She is the best though!" After that, Mark and I did a few challenges and he went to edit and post the video.

I checked later to look at the comments on his video. Surprisingly, almost all of them said things like 'Omg she is soooooo pretty!!!' Or 'What is her Instagram and Twitter accounts? I haaave to follow her!'

"I told you everyone would love you!" Mark said.

"I'm really surprised, I thought most girls would be all pissy cause I 'stole their man'! But there were only a few of those!"

"You know you're the best, (Y/N)." Mark said cheekily and smirked.

"Shut up, Mark!" You said blushing and grinning at his innuendo.

Bye guys, I love you, and I will see you soon! ($.$)

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