Brunch, Party of Four

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     "They. Are. All. A. Bunch. Of." McQueen grumbles from my left. Once again he is leading me to the place in which I have the dates that involve any kind of food. "Mis.cre.ants." I glance at his sharp features. They seem harsher than normal. The few wrinkles he has around the curves of his lips at deep. His eyes dart back and forth mechanically as we walk. "Hood.lums." Though I hear his words of insult, my mind wonders back to the last time I had been in that room.

     I have hardly got to think back to that time since I awoke in the hospital wing. So much has happened in the past two days. I was chewed out for not eating, then forced from there to go see that awful man Mr. Manthroupe. There he informed me that I would have to stay after all; that we had lost the bet. The one Theodore himself came up with. Then the entire ordeal with the window, which also involved Theodore. That incident is what led to me having to stay in the hospital wing yet again, and what led me to having to get ridiculous treatment daily. There is at the center of it all it seems.

     "At. Least. It. Is. The. De.cent. One." McQueen murmurs and for the first time since this walk down the halls, I tune in to what he has said.

     Oh right. Today's brunch is with Collin. I suppose he is the nicest of the three. He was very charismatic on the beach. However, I do think that his little act on the beach was simply that; an act. Was he not very cold to me when we had dinner after that? Yes, he kind of was wasn't he? Honestly, he is a bit confusing. He was nice when we first met and on the beach. Both were filmed. Then, during the dinner, he was cold. That part was not filmed. However, he was also nice the other night in Mr. Manthroupe's office and they were not filming there either. Confusing indeed. Perhaps he is just a poor actor.

     Then there is Jason. He does not act at all. From the very first time, he has been vocal about his disapproval of the situation. He has been crude and snobbish since the very first 'hello'. Though he has said wicked things, I sort of like that he has not been fake towards me. He has not acted in front of the cameras, nor has he acted in front of me. At least, I don't think he has. Looking back on his ways, I actually feel refreshed because I was not having to guess what he was thinking. He was telling me what he thought, and his thoughts boiled down to the fact that 'This is all her fault'.

     The best so far, and the one that truly puts me on edge is the one at the center; Thedore. Since the moment we met, it was plain to see that Theodore had a completely different air about him. It was evident that he was the number one man, in more ways that one. Theodore is the best actor by far. The way he would flip switches during filming reminded me of a person simply changing masks. The only thing that gives him away is his eyes. Those breathtaking, blue eyes. They are the same when he smiles as they are when he looks bored. His eyes have no light within them. It is like his soul has left his body to be a shell. Theodore is the one that I am unsure about, and he, unfortunately, is the one who has been in the circumstances I never wanted anyone to be in.

     "Miss. Burks." My thoughts immediately cease as I stand before the closed door to the room. McQueen stands neat the handle, patiently waiting for me to give him a sign that I am ready to go inside. "Are. You. Rea.dy?" No, I am not ready. I do not want to go in there and put these boys through more suffering. I do not want to go in and face them again. "Miss. Burks. We. Must. Go. In. Soon.. We. Are. Al.rea.dy. Late." I take a deep breath and give him a firm nod. He reaches for the door and I try my best to hold onto a single thought; at least I do not have to see Thedore for two whole weeks.

     The door creaks open and once I step inside, I see Collin. A strange feeling comes over me. Like I am reliving a moment from the past. He stands the way he had when we ate dinner together. His arms in front of him, patiently waiting for me to arrive. The very second our eyes meet, he takes a deep bow. I quickly return his greeting with a curtsey. He lifts his upper half and moves to the chair on the other side of the table. Quietly I follow and he pulls the chair out for me as I sit. He hurries around to the other side and takes his seat as well. Seconds pass by were we sit across from one another, but I dare not look at him. I fix my gaze on the very shiny utensils in front of me, my distorted reflection like a nude stain on the clear silver.

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