Deja Vu

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Chapter 6: x Deja Vu
Authors Notes: Chapter Six of the Snape and Harry romance, Red and Green. Please note, that none of this is beta'd in anyway. Just wrote and uploaded. Sorry for all the mistakes.

Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter, just the story.


VI. Deja Vu

I decide it to be best to keep my mood as it was left last night when I sit at my seat before the Great Hall. I may have been rather confused, but I now know for a fact that that Potter boy wants nothing to with me. And I want nothing to do with the pathetic boy who was nothing more then an image for the public to display. He was the 'boy who lived' indeed, but to me, he was nothing more then 'the boy who fell'.

But why was there a weird feeling in my stomach?

I'm not sure what to do with the weird feelings when I see Potter and his friends walk in. Only then do I see how much he has actually matured over the years. He's so tall now, almost matching up with James's size. He smiles up at me, and I see that rare occasion of blush he usually only shows me in private - thrown to me in public. My lips curl into a smirk. It was a fact I beat him six times the previous night. But it was also the fact that when he left last night, I felt empty.

With the white chess pieces. And the half cup of tea. All alone. Without Potter.

"Stop staring so much." The murmur of Miravana's voice startles me from my glancing at the boy. My eyes quickly replaced with their normal cold form and glaring at the witch. Her hat end flipping to the side at the sight of me. I only snarl at her.

"Just waiting for the poor Potter to fool up again so I can take away more points." I mutter quietly, coldly. My index finger traces over the edge of the cup and I find myself in it's liquids as much as Trelawney in her own cups of tea in her classes. Miravana quickly turns to Albus to talk to and I resort to looking at my tea. And occasionally at the boy. Not that often. He glances up at me a lot, that smile never fading off his lips.

Those blue eyes wanting all. The truth, the love.. they want me.

And I fall again.

I want to go to my dungeons. I want a plague to hit me and I'm not able to leave my room for hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Bloody hell, for the rest of my life. For the next two years, every time I see Potter, I will always fall for those eyes. And that smile. And the book he got me. Not to mention the fact I got him one in return. Also the chess games, and those damned half cups of tea.

"Severus?" The man's back. That damned old man in colorful robes with those damned candy hearts. I don't reply to him. I just snort. His hand lands on my shoulder and I'm overthrown with guilt and depression. I'm such a sodding bastard compared to his happy tone. "Severus. Can I have a word with you after breakfast?"

I groan and nod, but only find breakfast is about to end. Deciding it was best to go ahead and make my way out, I flee from the grasp of Albus's arm and down the middle of the corridor. I'm in my own world with my own thoughts. I don't notice anything anymore. And thank Merlin I don't. It's weird because my thoughts are now less confusing then my dramatic life. And they say that Hufflepuff's think too much for their small-minded selves, I hardly think so.

But while I'm in my own world, I never notice how Potter is getting up from his table. Nor do I notice how I'm about to walk into the boy. About to ram right into the boy with my mindless thoughts and emotions.

But I do. I fall forward as soon as my foot reaches his leg as he was sliding out of the table. I remember a loud number of gasps, and a large groan that mixed with my own from Potter. I had fell face forward onto the ground, but on top of Potter. I could hear some students laugh. Humiliation. My eyes narrow and I groan to get up. I finally make my way to my standing position and my eyes narrow on the boy.

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