Shining Through Me

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Chapter 9: x Shining Through Me
Author Notes: Chapter Nine of the Harry and Snape Romance, Red and Green. Un-beta'd but still looked over and such. Chapter Nine is one of the more dull chapters - but for you Snape/Harry fans, Chapter Ten and Eleven are just for you. So just wait patiently - And thanks for all the reviews I've gotten so far. It really means to world to me. ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, just this story.


IX. Shining through to me

"Very well then, good night Potter." I murmur quietly before standing up, eyeing the boy carefully as he stood up and stretched his arms into the air lazily. I couldn't think of one way that this scene was not absolutely perfect. He grinned and headed to the door, much like the previous nights that he has come to take home these dungeons, offering a smile that I never wanted to let go of.

"Good night Professor." He smiled and looked up to me, as if he wanted or expected something from me. But I was only a bastard Potions Master; what could I give the boy who holds all my happiness? "I hope you sleep well, sir."

"And you as well." There was a sharp silence between us. An unsteady silence for me. My heart was sliced between the line of taking the boy into my arms and holding him, while the other half was in the line of staying in a the teachers code of conduct.

But then he left.

And I couldn't hold him anymore.

I wasn't absolutely sure if I wanted to stand there looking at the black door, hoping he would come back, or wander into my bedroom to try and sort out all these problems my mind and heart held. I was only a thirty seven year old man. No man that age deserved these types of problems. Merlin, give me another year or two.

Facing reality, I wandered back into my room, casting enchantments on my door as soon as I turned the corner to my bedroom. I needed to be alone right now. This was all unfair in all it's own. I was never meant to be with the school's savior. He just came to my room one day with a book, and changed my life. A book shouldn't change your life. No matter how great it may be.

My body plopped onto the bed, curling into the deep green Slytherin blankets; the only pride I had left in my body. That I was a Slytherin. That fell for a Gryffindor. Who all Slytherin's hated. I didn't want to sleep, because I was scared of my dreams. They would be of the boy.

Damn all those years I wished I could dream. Dreaming is far from believing, but they can do a load of damage to someone who only wants to live in solitude for the rest of their life. Dreaming could rip someone away from the reality of life, and place them in visions that they could only have when they closed their eyes. And make them want to keep their eyes closed.

But then again, since Potter came into my door.. I didn't really want to live in solitude for the rest of my life.

"Good morning Severus." Damn the old man for bothering me while I'm drinking my tea. It's my tea. Merlin, let me have one damn thing at this school if anything. I looked onwards to Albus who was smiling broadly as he walked up to the Teachers table. That glitter in his eyes caught me again, like it always does on normal days.

"Morning." I murmur quietly in reply, taking another sip of my tea. It's rather funny actually, as of late, all I have been drinking is a half cup of tea if any. I guess I miss the chess games. But I can't force Potter to play those silly games with me everyday. Even though he did tell me he enjoyed them.

Potter has homework. Potter has Quidditch. Potter has friends. Potter has everything in this world tied up to his finger, for the rest of my life. And I actually think he has me tied in his fingertips with super glue. It feels like it every time I see him walking into the great hall with his Gryffindor friends. Each morning. Everyday.

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