|| The Locker Room ||

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-Ballister's POV:

I stood in shock, along with the rest of the class, as we heard the dull thud of Ambs' sword dropping to the floor, and I looked up at him apologetically, but the little weener started clapping, and then everyone else joined in, and I looked at him for help, not really liking being in the spotlight, whereas he was used to it, being a Glorith descendant and all. 

He chuckled, before turning to the class whilst I tried to hide behind him, and everyone stopped, and I shot him a death glare, but I think he might've misinterpreted it, ugh. Dummy. 

The bell rang, and we got dismissed, thank god The Director isn't like Mrs Gribbens or the other teachers, with their dumb excuses for keeping us in class. Anyways, we all ran for the lockers, well, Todd and his goons ran, whilst me and Ambs walked being careful not to get stampeded by a ton of kids.

 That's not a very graceful way to die. 

However, The Director called me back, and I sighed, knowing I was probably going to get expelled, as I wasn't good enough.

Well, it was only a matter of time.

"-ister? Ballister?" The Director said, waving her hand in front of my face. Oh gods, how embarrassing... I looked up. "Yes Director?"

"You need to come with me." She said, and I gulped. I was probably going to be packing my bags any second...

I followed her, but surprisingly we weren't going to her office, we were going to the castle? I'll have talk to Ambs later I guess. This seemed much more important. We stopped in front on the throne room, and The Director looked down at me, smiling slightly. Ah well, she's probably just as happy to see me go as the rest of them. 

We stepped into the throne room, and was greeted by none other than Auntie Valerin sitting on her throne, looking down at me fondly, I think? Honestly now I'm not sure. 

"Hello Ballister." She said, smiling as she greeted me with her arms wide. She was one of the first people I've ever trusted fully, apart from Ambs and my mother. My father? Not so much. But I'm not even going to think about that. 

I ran up to Aunt and hugged her tight, smiling. She hugged me back, then looked down proudly. "I hear you beat Ambrosius Goldenloin at sparring today?" She said, surprise clear in her voice.

"Y-yeah."  I stumbled on my words, still feeling bad about it.

"Oh hon, it's nothing to be ashamed of! It's an achievement." She said, ruffling my shoulder-length hair, making it go all messy. I giggled, and grinned. 

"Really?" I looked up at her, and she nodded, making me feel proud.

"Really." She replied. "Anyways, that's not why I brought you here. I wanted to see if you wanted private lessons from me every weekend on fighting, as I used to fight when I was a bit older than you, you know. Maybe around 16?" My eyes widened, and I frantically nodded my head, grinning.

"I'd love that!" I replied.

"Alright. Our first training lesson will be tomorrow."

I nodded, taking The Director's hand as we walked out, after I gave a final wave to Auntie Val. 

——— Timeskip brought to you by Nimona catching the flowers at Goldenheart's wedding ^^ ———

Once we got back, I immediately ran to the lockers, where Ambs was washing his face, making it pretty clear he was the last in the queue for the water. I crept behind him, grabbing a wooden sword on my way, and I crept closer, before poking him in the leg with it softly. He jumped, and I doubled over laughing as he turned around, shocked.

"How could you?" He said, clutching his heart mock hurt. I just chuckled, taking off my armour whilst he was talking. "Why hello to you too." I replied sarcastically, before chuckling and taking off my breast plate, finally finishing taking it off. 

"Well, I gotta go, it's my turn for clean up duty on the training fields, see ya Bal!" He said cheerfully, giving me a side hug as he jogged away. I placed my armour in my locker, just as Todd came around the corner.

"Hey peasant." He said, and I whirled around.

"Hey snob hog." I retaliated quickly as he came closer. Oh gods, I really shouldn't have done that... "What did you just call me?" He said, sneering. 

I shrugged. "Snob hog." I said casually, when he lunged forward, taking me off guard and pinning me to the wall, and raising his fist. 

"You'll regret that!" He said, his ginger hair making it look like he was so angry he was on fire (A/N: No offence to gingers, I think you're all beautiful beings, it's just Todd because he died his hair so he didn't look adopted but it looks bad on him, so please don't take it personally, I only meant offence to Todd ^^ ) Ah well, Todd, I hate to admit it, but I'm not the doomed one here.

I quickly kneed him in the stomach when he swung his fist, making it go off target and it made him drop me, as he yelled out. "It's what you get for harassing me." I said, shrugging

"Sorry not sorry." I said, faking innocence, before skipping off to find Ambs. 

-Ambrosius' POV:

I hid behind a hay bale for the dummies (Aka Todd 2.0s) when I saw Bal coming out of the lockers, and I smirked. 

Revenge time. 

He came closer toward my hiding spot, and he was just about to look behind the hay bales I was hiding behind when I sprang forward and shoved him over, landing on top of him in the hay bales. "Gotcha!" I yelled, punching the air. He chuckled, crossing his arms as he sat up, still with me sitting on top of him. (A/N: they don't know it's called straddling :3) he chuckled, keeping himself up with his arms. "Alright, you got me, now can you get off do I can get up?" He asked, chuckling, making my cheeks go red, as I clambered off of him, sitting on a hay bale, as he manoeuvred to sit next to me. 

"So, what did Director want to talk about?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, she wanted me to have private lessons with Auntie Val." I almost choked on air at his reply. Auntie Val?! Does he mean the Queen? 

"You mean the Queen?" He nods, and, my eyes widened. "And she lets you call her that?" He nodded again, then shrugged. 

"Private lessons with the queen? Wow you're lucky." I smiled at Bal, when he looped an arm around me as I leaned my head on hid shoulder, my cheeks a light pink. This is something friends do, right? 

I noticed the time, then looked up at Bal. "Hey, we got Maths soon." He groaned, leaning his head back against the bale in frustration. "Dumb maths..." he mumbled. I chuckled, standing up, then holding out a hand to him. 

"Well, you need to prove yourself worthy of knighthood by fighting the worst monster of all! The dreaded... algebraaaa..." I said mysteriously once I helped him up. He chuckled, raising the back of his wrist to his head like they do in those tragedies. "Oh no, however will I survive?" He joined in. We both burst out laughing, before he managed to tame his laughter enough so he could drag me to maths, before I died of laughter. Eh, that would be one way to get out of the worst subject known to both man and monster. 

-3rd Person POV:

However, what Bal and Ambs didn't notice was a bright pink eagle watching them from the roof of the building, by the lockers. Nimona turned into her girl form, smiling slightly as she put a helmet on, and jumped off the roof, growing wings and flying away, whispering her catchphrase once she left. "Metal..." and the hay bales caught pink fire.

Word count: 1332 

A/N: I'm adding Nimona earlier into the story as we could all do with a bit of our slay queen in this story. However, in this, Bal isn't the person she becomes friends with...

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