Chap 6: The White Room

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"Everybody, back to your seats! This video will be a little different from normal," Bob announced.

"Different how?" Horikita asked.

Bob gave a creepy grin, looking like he was about to burst from excitement.

What was it that made him this happy?

(A/N: I also wore a creepy grin while writing this and my mum was like eyeing me suspiciously lol)

"We... Are going to react to something related to ayanokoji's past!!!!" He said, a grin stretching from one ear to the other.



Then, Shinohara said, "is his past something special? I mean, I imagine it would be pretty boring just seeing someone's average life."

"Ah... But his life is not average at all. You'll understand," Bob replied.

Sakayanagi spoke up, "Bob-san, why...? You understand the consequence of you tell everyone about it."

She was emitting a tense aura, worry and fear evident on her face.

I could see many people visibly surprised. Some people started muttering among each other, but were too afraid too say anything out loud.

"Why? For entertainment, of course!" Bob smirked. "But don't worry too much, I'll make sure not one word of his past escapes this school. I have my ways."

Sakayanagi still looked worried, but she could only nod.

The students and teachers of the school were puzzled, but kept quiet.

The movie started.

Context: One day in 2014

"Today is March 11. The recorder is Suzukake Tanji."

Putting his phone's camera in recording mode, Suzukake placed it on the desk.

Then, he turned the lens towards himself.

I'd seen him before. He was one of the instructors in the white room.

"For a long time, I've been in charge of education in this White Room."

"White room? What's that?" Ishizaki blurted out.

Many people turned their gazes toward me, seeking for an answer.

"It's a... School..." I replied.

"I've never heard of it before," Kiriyama commented.

"Well, it's not very well known," I said.

On this day, Suzukake decided to quietly record his research impressions on his phone.

"However, from today, White Room will be frozen for a while. I don't know anything about politics, but it looks like a politician called Naoe started working towards stopping Ayanokoji-sensei's return. He's really making trouble for us. But, I decided to think with the future in mind. A long vacation after all this, that's not so bad either."

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