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The next morning, my head decided it wanted to split my head in half and, like, kill it, so, I am dying inside.

Even though I was dying inside anyways.

But, there was some random ass pills on my nightstand that didn't look like they would kill me, so I took them and then proceeded to chug that water that was next to it. 

I wanted to go back to bed, but alas, I have places to be and people to torture. 

Look at me being all successful and shit.

Because I had business to do today, I had to find some formal shit to wear. After going through my closet for a while, I finally decide on a completely black pantsuit with a black bralette with a lacy pattern. Then, I decided to wear heeled boots because, honestly, unless I am going to the pool, my toes don't need to be on display. 

I grab a little black handbag and put some knives, a gun with some extra ammo, some ChapStick, and other important essentials before grabbing my phone and making my way out of my bedroom. 

I pause in the doorway realizing that my headache was gone.

Gambles are worth it kids.


Actually, don't listen to me.

After making my way downstairs, I notice almost everyone is in the dining room eating something that Lorenzo made while I go get myself a cup of black coffee to wake me the fuck up.

I look up to see all my brothers staring at me, *cough cough* glaring *cough*, while Nikolai was not so subtly checking me out. 

"I have some business to attend to. Depending on how long it takes for that guy to speak is how long I will end up being out. It might take a while." I speak after I take a large gulp of coffee, taking another sip right after I finish talking. 

Immediately, and all at once, people start to speak.


"Can I go?"

"Do you really have to?"

"Could you take us to watch."

"I heard that Karma's Mistress has really cool torture methods, really affective too!"

"Not in that outfit you won't."

I take a quick glance at all my older brothers; both of my little brothers having already gone back upstairs to change into something suitable to go to the warehouse. 

"If you want to go, you may. But... You will be on my turf so you will listen to my rules. No buts about it. You are not allowed to interfere while I am working. If something is to happen at the warehouse, find the nearest German to get protocol from them. Understood?" I say firmly so I could be sure they one hundred percent understood exactly what I was talking about. 

I see nods of confirmation except from Nikolai, who just smirks at me, and my eldest brother, Alessandro, who narrows his eyes at me as if it physically pained him to follow my directions.

"Okay. I leave in thirty, if you are not dressed nicely by then I am leaving all of your asses here." I state as I take out my phone and drink my coffee. Everyone immediately rushes upstairs. 


Twenty-eight minutes later, all the boys are downstairs, all wearing... the same thing.

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