Food Cursing

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I am kinda sorta changing her name. so her name is eisha, but everyone is gonna call her Kris except her family. I changed it so at the beginning she tells him this.

Chapter 5:

Kris's POV~

            I pulled him off his lazy bum and dragged him up the stairs. He didn't even move by himself, I was practically hoisting his full body weight! He probably didn't even want to get upstairs before all of the girls arrived. Attention-seeking twat! I pulled open my door and pushed him in.

           "OK, just stay up here until I call you down. I won't let anyone come up here, not even Haniya, so you should be safe and not get mobbed." While I explained this to him, I rummaged through my closet for one of my traditional outfits. Not finding anything clean to wear after 5 minutes I looked up to see that he wasn't on my bed anymore. I looked around and found him with my red Beats on his head, listening to the mash-up I was working on earlier. I strode over to him and yanked the headphones off of his head.

      "What the CHEEZ-ITS do you think you're doing?!?!?!

Zayn's POV~

       While she explained all this nonsense I walked over to her Mac. It looked like she'd been working on some type of rhythm or something. I put on the red beats I saw and started it from the beginning. Hey! This was actually really good! But after a couple minutes, the headphones were yanked off of my head.

"What the CHEEZ-ITS do you think you're doing?!?!?!

"Your mum looks like she taught you manners but I don't think they sunk in to that head of yours! I was listening to whatever trash you were creating! Wait.....Cheez-Its?"

"Yes, Cheez-Its. I food-swear, you got a problem with that? At least my TRASH sounds better than whenever you try to sing."

"Shouldn't you be going?"


Kris's POV~

I stormed over to my closet and picked up the blue and orange fabric at the corner of my closet and my blue jeans, then I stomped out of the room and into the bathroom. I quickly stripped out of my normal clothes and took one of the fastest showers I have ever taken. I then changed onto my traditional shirt and pulled on my jeans, I brushed through my hair with my hand while I piled all my stuff together. I put my hair into a sloppy bun at the nape of my neck, and rushed out and back I into my room. I dumped everything in a corner of my room and went to stand in front of my floor length mirror to see how horrendous I looked. I took my hair out of its bun, and it descended all the way down to the small of my back, with my bangs covering part of my forehead.

"Why can't my hair be tamed and not a curly mess like everyone else's? Ehh, I look this horrible every day anyways, it doesn't really matter aymore." I said to myself. I wasn't expecting an answer back, so I thought I had gone a little too far with my fangirling when I heard Zayn. I had totally forgotten he was in here.

"Can I touch it?"

"What?" I thought I had heard him wrong.

"Can I touch it?" he repeated.

"Uuuummm.....why?" I asked confused as to why he wanted to touch my hair. I turned around and he was on my bed, just staring at me. He had a confused kinda expression, not at all like the furious one he had had earlier.

" soft."


He came over and brushed his hand through my hair, which sent a shiver down my back. What the heck was that? After a minute I moved away and rummaged through my drawer for my orange beanie. I pulled it over my head and turned to face him again.

"Ok, imma go downstairs and try to be a good hostess," I say as I tie the long shirt on the side, "so please, if you value your life at all, which I'm pretty sure you do, do not, I repeat, do not step out of this room."

"Ok, chill. Wait, you aren't gonna put makeup on?"

"Never. I am proud to say that I have never put any makeup on." I turned to go downstairs and I was about to shut the door when I heard him, "She isn't a normal one, is she?"


I AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING ANYONE READING THIS WAIT SO LONG.  and I know that this chapter SUCKS. I am going to put this on hold, which I shoulda done a long time ago. I promise I will come back to this. but in the summer, before I had sports and clubs and homework and chores and sisters to take care of but now I have exams going on so im studying every extra minute I get. I really am sorry to anyone who reads this. I thought no one read it so no one expected anything of me. I feel so stupid for not even scrolling down to look at coments just cuz I thought there were again to anyone who actually read this horrendous letter, im putting this on hold-please don't hate me.

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