Chapter 10 - Closer

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I never thought I would want this. I struggled with the idea of a mate. Hating how others reacted when around one. How easily they could be destroyed given the chance.


Now I can't imagine a world without her. I have become the mated men I thought stupid. And I don't regret it one bit.

She is everything I never thought I needed. And I hurt her today. I scared her. Made her run from me.

Never again.

I will work my self to death, until she feels safe. With me. Around me.

A sinking feeling forming in the pit of my stomach as I remember the look on her face. Her body shaking, her eyes screaming but not a sound leaving her lips beside that pained whimper.

The sound nearly made me drop to my knees. My heart breaking at how I put her there, let her see that. Over something as stupid as annoying neighboring alphas demanding we play peace makers.

The fuckers.

Now I walk down the long hallway to Luther's room, halting as a hand lands on my shoulder. Usually, I would snap the wrist of any who dare touch me, but my brothers evade that list.

Baby girl too, now.

I turn, Daniel holding Magnolia's hand, there forms just rounding the corner from the stairs. Luther stands beside me, hand still on my shoulder.

Why's he waiting? Baby girl needs sleep.

"Sweetheart?" his voice breaking the silence, grabbing Magnolia's attention. Daniel grasps her hand tighter, slightly turned towards her. Looking down at her, but her gaze completely on Luther. Despite the flutter of her eyes at Daniels touch she remains focused.

So cute.

"We have a few options. Whatever you want to do, we will follow." He starts, following up with, "you can sleep in my room" he gestures behind us, "in the guest room across the hall," his eyes shift to the door to her left. Slightly less inclined to make it clear. He's hoping, but not telling her what to do. Man has more control than I do.

If the circumstances were different, I'd have her over my shoulder and under my weight 5 minutes ago.

But I can't. We can't.

She delicate. New to this world. To us.

"We can sleep in either with you or separately. Whatever you want." Luther finishes.

All three of us hunching a little at the idea that she might not want us around. Something she has every right to feel. I still hate it though.

She shakes her head. My breath stilling as I wait for her answer.

"I-I don't w-want to be a-alone." Her cheeks washing with a light blush, her fingers loosen from Danile's grip and plays with the hem of her shirt...Luther's shirt.

I plan to dress her in something of mine as soon as possible.

Her words wash over me and my brothers. All of us holding back smiles and smirks. She so fucking cute when she's nervous.

"We can work with that baby," Daniel says, grabbing her chin and tilting her to look up at him. He has a good few inches on her. Both me and Luther hanging around 6'4 and 6'5. Magnolias small frame and stature making Daniels 6'1 seam enormous.

God, she can't be more than 5'3, 5'4.

"Where do you want to sleep?" He asks her, she gulps loudly. Her slender throat grabbing all our attention, all our wolves panting and chanting at us to mark her.

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