Chapter One

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Carson looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection, finally feeling comfortable in her own skin. Her brown skin seemed to shine in the morning light, and her black hair had the volume other girls dreamed of. Carson turned away from the mirror whenever she saw her neighbor looking at her. Her face flushed and she ran down the stairs to see him.

"Carson, you need to go soon." Her mom called as she passed her room.

"Okay mama, I'll only be a second."

She ran out her door and directly into Thomas Hackett. The six foot five linebacker looked down at her and laughed. His blonde hair shone especially bright that day, and his green eyes looked sharp against his black frames.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Thomas." She said, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

He shrugged it off and looked at his best friend. Neither of them said anything after that.

Until Thomas said, "Did you hear about the new kids?"

Carson stood shocked. Everyone knew that rural Clearview California never got any new people. It was the town that never changed, and everyone knew everyone here. She almost didn't believe it, almost.

"No way." Was all she could think to say.

"Yeah, my mom was the one that sold them the house. She said the girl is a senior and the boy is a junior, like you." He checked his watch. "Shit, we better get going."

Carson glanced at her phone and was shocked to see she was seconds away from being late to her first period class.

She was sprinting to her door when she looked back and said "See you soon, Tom."

She didn't bother to wait for his response as she grabbed her keys, bag, and a piece of toast.

"Bye mama, I love you." And with that she was gone.

The ten minute drive to school was always the worst, she couldn't listen to her audiobooks and she didn't like to listen to music. Usually she called her other best friend Ryen, but she figured Ryen was tired of her. She opted to use this time to think of what she would say to the new kids, she was always the one to give the tours. She wasn't an extrovert per se, but Carson certainly wasn't shy.

She parked her blue truck and walked into the office. She noticed the new kids right away, they looked like carbon copies of each other and she had to do a double take. They both had pale skin and reddish brown hair. They had slight differences, the main being their eye color. The girl had sapphire blue eyes, and the boy had hazel ones. She noticed the sprinkling of freckles across the girl's face, and she knew in that instant she had a crush on her.

"Lola, I'm here." Carson called the secretary.

"Carson!" She smiled as she walked back out. She looked at the two kids. "Can you please show these two kids around."

"Of course, Lola." Carson smiled kindly at them. "Follow me."

She took great detail in the way they stood and the grace that they had about them. Once they were at full height she took a step back. The boy was a solid six foot, and the girl was about five foot eight. She made Carson's five foot six seem small.

"I'm Carson," She said once they left the office. "And welcome to Clearview High School."

"I'm Lila," The girl said, extending a slender hand for Carson to shake. "And this is my brother Dalton."

Carson smiled at both and shook their hands. She almost jumped at how cold she felt, like a walking corpse.

She finally finished the tour around lunchtime.

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