Chapter Ten

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Carson struggled with her choices all day. She didn't want to lose her girlfriend, but at the same time she's a murderer.

Carson didn't want to be the one to call the cops on Lila, but she was helping with the Lilac Killer, and Lila confessed to her. She was supposed to do this, even if it meant turning in her girlfriend. She pulled out her phone and called Lila.

"Hey, Carson!" Lila sounded so happy to talk to her it almost broke her heart, almost.

"Lila!" Carson said, not straying from the happy girlfriend role. "Can you come down towards CandyLand?"

"Sure," She said happily. "Isn't it raining though?"

"So bring an umbrella." Carson accidentally snapped. "Sorry, that was meaner than intended. I'll see you there."

The drive to CandyLand was tense for Carson. She was a bundle of nerves. She called the police station as soon as she pulled into the parking lot and saw Lila's smiling face.

The wind was blowing her hair all around her face, and the rain was soaking her.

"Lila," Carson said, stepping out of her truck. "I know you killed them."

Her eyes flashed, but she quickly shifted her face into a smile.

"How'd you figure it out?" She seemed to have forgotten about her drunken slip.

"You told me," Carson said, knowing she had to approach this gently. "You were very drunk last night."

Lila's sapphire eyes turned dark again, and Carson knew she messed up. She thought that Lila was just being funny, but by her reaction it wasn't working.

"Lila, please tell me you didn't." Carson backed away and tried to listen to hear the sirens.

"I can't," Lila laughed.

"What?" Carson realized how foolish she had been. Too caught up in love to realize her girlfriend was killing people.

"Don't you want to know how I did it?" Lila asked, her eyes wild.

Carson could hear the sirens coming so she nodded.

"I planned everything out with Dalton. I made him learn about these people's lives. He was the one who told me about you and Emmalee, why do you think I made her the most gruesome? Once I knew what they were like, I made sure to lure them into the woods with me. I smiled and told them very sweetly 'You're going to die now.' And they would scream and scream, eventually it was annoying so I just stabbed them to shut them up. I bound them and slit their throats. Giving them a beautiful red smile. And so you wouldn't suspect us, I made sure to give an anonymous tip when I was with you.

You had to mess things up though. You wanted to find out the murderer, can't you find the correlation. It's the list you gave me, Car. I killed all of the people messing with Ryen. I did this for us. I did it for you, babe. Don't you understand?" Her face was red and she reached out for Carson.

"Get away, psycho." Carson seethed at her girlfriend.

"Don't be like that. We can still make things right, you and me forever." She smiled and Carson's heart broke.

"But the flowers, where did you find all the lilacs?" Carson asked.

Lila just smiled, but as soon as she felt the police touch her she went still. She laughed as if it was just a cruel joke, but no one else was laughing.

Carson shook her head and watched in a trance as police grabbed her girlfriend. She watched it cross her face that Carson wasn't going to save her.

Lila let out a blood curdling scream and turned to face Carson.

"And you, I'll come back and you'll suffer the same fate, Carson." Lila said, teeth bared and face red.

Carson didn't flinch. She stared straight ahead, but on the inside she was terrified.

What have I done? She asked herself, Sure, Lila was crazy, but she did it for Ryen.

For a minute Carson was sure that Lila was justified.

Stop, She scolded herself, you sound as crazy as her.

"Miss, would you like to join the Witness Protection Program?" The cop asked Carson.

"No." Carson said strongly. "When she comes I'll be ready."


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