Chapter Eight

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The results had come in on the cause of Gunner's death. They ruled it as a heart attack caused by an overdose of ecstasy laced with something unnamed. Carson also had the reports on what the bystanders had said happened that night.

"Gunner came out wearing a lilac on his shirt and that's not funny especially with everything going on right now," A girl was saying.

"So I came up to him and said 'Bro what the fuck is wrong with you? I lost my best friend from that.'" Someone that was close to Tara MacBeth was saying

"He looked at him like he was crazy, and by now a crowd is gathering around because everyone wants to be the one to say they caught the killer." Another guy continued.

"But Gunner just says 'I'm not the killer, what are you talking about man?'" The first girl said, sighing.

"So at this point I'm pissed because it's clear he's messing with me. I gave him one last chance to come clean." Tara's friend said.

"Gunner acted like he didn't know why he was being targeted so Luckas started swinging." The last guy said, shaking his head slowly.

"When Gunner was getting beaten he was surprised and I knew that he wasn't guilty. But no one could stop Luckas. Gunner fell and hit his head really hard. I was scared so I called the cops as soon as it happened." She started crying.

"I feel like I knew it wasn't him, but I wanted someone to blame. I'm tired of not knowing. But the craziest thing happened. He confessed." Luckas said.

"I saw Amelie call the cops, and I heard Gunner confess. But I also saw him go into cardiac arrest and have a series of heart attacks. The cops were already on their way and I didn't know how to help him." The last boy said, trying to calm himself down.

"Andre tried his hardest to not let Gunner die. I didn't know what has happening, all I knew was that I wanted my mom. I don't understand how someone could target Gunner, especially to frame him like that." Amelie said, tears streaming down her face steadily.

"I feel as if I killed him. I feel so awful and I wish I never hit him." Luckas said, his face in his palms.

"Luckas didn't kill him. I know that for a fact. The heart attacks killed him, and those were most likely caused by an overdose on ecstasy, which CandyLand is known for."Andre finished.

Carson couldn't believe what she had just watched. She wanted to cry for Gunner, he had just apologized to Ryen for icing her out.

Carson called Lila, she just wanted someone to talk to, but Lila didn't answer her.

Carson thought nothing of it and just went about her day, waiting to hear back from her beloved girlfriend.

She finally got a call around 8pm.

"Sorry, mom was dragging Dalton and I around for book press. She took our phones she thought were gonna leak her next teenage toothache." Lila said as soon as Carson picked up her phone.

"No, don't worry about it." She smiled, happy to hear the voice she loved so much.

"What's up though?" Lila asked.

"I'm just thinking of Gunner. I feel bad for him. He didn't deserve to get murdered, much less framed for murdering his friends."

"Were they really his friends if they would have done what they did to Ryen to him if he was honest about who he was?"

Lila had a point. While they were friends in a sense he would have been bullied if he defended Ryen, or said he was in any way like her. Kind of like how the one note mentioned being a loner but not in the way you would think.

So, could Gunner have been the murderer?

"I have to go," Carson said. "I'll talk to you later. Thank you Lila."

Carson raced down to the police station and pulled out a handful of post-it notes.

"What is this?" They asked her.

"It's all my leads and theories. I think that Gunner is still a suspect. Listen he was under the influence of MDMA which is a hallucinant. The one note the killer left said they were alone but surrounded by friends. Gunner admitted to me earlier this week that he would have been iced out if he was honest about who he was. He was wearing a lilac. I think he wanted to be caught, and that's why he went into public like that. And instead of dealing with the consequences he killed himself." She took a breath after spitting all of that out and she hoped the cops understood her.

"That makes sense. I think we found our killer." 

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